the stock exchange

in nasdaq •  7 years ago 

The misadventures of Facebook, This week, arrive at a sensitive time for markets Americans, and especially for the Nasdaq.

Capture d’écran 2018-04-11 à 11.02.05.png

Despite the 'flash crash' of the beginning of the month of February, the American index of technology stocks were, on the eve revelations about the social network, still very close to its Summit history touched on 12 March, to
7.588,33 points. Other indices had, however, already begun their recession.
Indeed, supported by technology stocks and including ascension(Google, Apple, Facebook, GafamAmazon, Microsoft), the Nasdaq Composite posted on March 12, a gain of almost 10% since the beginning of the year when the performance of the Dow Jones had already returned to 1.8% and the the S & P 500 to 4.1%. These last two Indeed, indices fell after
reached their record high the 26 January (to respectively)
26.616,71 and 2.872,87 points).

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