Liquidity Mining on Nash - made EASY

in nash •  4 years ago  (edited)

You might have read the blog article about from Nash about its liquidity mining program, and the key message that stuck was through Liquidity mining you can earn a share of the 20,000 NEX tokens being given away on a weekly basis.

Most of you like me, might of had a thought wanting to participate, but have no idea where to begin, and then the more you thought about it you resigned yourself to just not doing anything about it.

Well, I hope this article can change that for you, and you like myself can partake in this Liquidity mining giveaway, because it has been very profitable thus far.

Lets break this down into a couple of simple steps, so you can follow along - I'll show to you how to do this, according to the settings I have got - feel free to change anything (if you're brave enough).

Preliminary steps (Ingredients):

You will need the following to be able to do this:

  1. 1000 NEX tokens
  2. $1000 USDC
  3. KYC material
  4. A gmail account (can be the same one you use for your NASH login etc)

Step 1.

You need to register an account with Nash if you don't have one already. Yes you read that right, for this to work properly you need two accounts.

For your first (that we won't be mining on) use this link to create it:

You will need to KYC this account, and deposit 1000 NEX into it that you should stake for 24 months.

Step 2.

Deposit the $1000 USDC on this account and convert half of it into BTC (the price of BTC doesn't matter, you basically just want half and half)

For your KYC'd account, generate API keys by clicking on profile and navigating to the API. Follow instructions here if it is unclear to you:

  1. Head over to this page:
  2. Generate an API key, save both the secret and the public address (will need this later)

Step 3.

You're almost there, and this is the fun part, head over to the Cloud trading bot webpage and register your bot there:

This is where you'll need that gmail account to register here.

Register your keys (what we saved above), and create a bot with the following settings:



Second Bot


Click Save and start on both

You're done! Well done.

What now?

Well this Bot will basically buy and sell BTC and USDC for really small margins, and therefore you will generate volume. There's a leader board there you can monitor your progress on.

The Nash team will distribute rewards weekly.

You can tune the strategy to reduce any loss you're incurring, but any loss is made up in two ways:

  1. A optimal trading strategy where you aren't incurring a daily loss (need to experiment with this a bit)

  2. Weekly Nash rewards and GUNTHY rewards make up for it

Enjoy mining, and come back to this post when the price of Nash skyrockets - hope this helped

Please share this post if it was helpful to you, and any feedback would be appreciated

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