Zaman Sekarang Manusia Semakin Sibuk (Nowadays Humans are getting Busy)

in nasihat •  7 years ago 

David Allen in his productivity book "Getting Things Done" describes precisely how dense the busyness of humanity today, where the work as if not know the limits of completion. In ancient times, work was deemed complete when a certain limit had been reached, for example if a game had been caught and cooked. Now, however, modern work is practically "layered". Even if the office hours are over, there's still a bunch of reports, e-mails, sms, and phone calls to do at home.

David Allen dalam buku produktivitasnya “Getting Things Done” menggambarkan dengan tepat betapa padatnya kesibukan manusia zaman sekarang, dimana pekerjaan seolah tidak mengenal batas penyelesaiannya. Pada zaman dulu, pekerjaan dianggap selesai bila suatu batasan tertentu telah tercapai, misalnya bila hewan buruan telah ditangkap dan dimasak. Namun sekarang, pekerjaan modern bisa dibilang sangat “berlapis-lapis”. Kalaupun jam pekerjaan kantor telah usai, masih ada setumpuk laporan, e-mail, sms, dan panggilan telepon yang harus dikerjakan di rumah.

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