Please read this article should be any surprise with the censorship and shut down of websites and YouTube channels prove the Deep State/Illuminati's censorship on who is allowed to allowed to speak without repercussions are Controlled Opposition and Gatekeepers in control of the information mixing truth with lies. Please remember this is all by design, World's A Stage.
In this article, the riots of Charlottesville were being organized with the Daily Stormer, the largest National Socialist website on the Internet for several months. Not to mention Soros ties with Antifa and BLM who were in on this too. All by design to start a Race War leading towards Martial Law.
Then, after the protests Daily Stormer website was shut down by the private companies such as CloudFlare and GoDaddy through which all websites must register. "Currently it is operating on (Algeria) and also exists permanently on TOR, also known as the DarkNet.
Several weeks later Stormfront, the second largest and the oldest National Socialist website on the Internet administered by the former revoultionary Don Black also had its URL taken from them by their server, Network Solutions."
Both Stormfront and Daily Stormer are evil who promote paganism, worshiping race as religion and wicked sin of National Socialism. "They believe in committing mass murder and reviving a new paganism based the same philosophy of ethnonationalism that Jesus came to destroy and for which He was murdered by His own people and which we have been boldly opposing."
Daily Stormer did an article calling F*Shoebat after Ted Shoebat's debate with Martin Sellner, an Austrian National Socialist. The video of the debate is attached is over an hour, what happened during the debate proved that Shoebat knows what he's talking about and proves what he says it true. Sellner was clueless and ignorant over many things including Sellner and his group Pegida worshiping a Japan Nationalist who was a pagan and practiced Cannibalism. Shoebat informed Sellner if you are aware of the person you worship and idolize is really the opposite than what is propagandized, then you need to dump that idol and worship other Christian Scholars and Saints. Shoebat took Sellner to school proving history repeats. It's the military industrial complex buildup on all fronts, along with propaganda being mixed truth with lies. Ultimately, what they do now promoting National Socialism mixing truth with lies is just as it was before WWII. Different this time around with information and technology more widespread and advanced. It's the powers that shouldn't be a.k.a. Illuminati's play book.
Shoebat does not like Stormfront or Don Black’s ideas either. "The only different between Stormfront and Daily Stormer is that Stormfront was for the most part a bunch of older men complaining without taking any action, while Daily Stormer actually took action based on what they say, as evidenced by the Charlottesville rally."
Both National Socialism, who is about Nationalism and worships race as religion. International Socialism also known as Communism who target the wealthy. Both Socialism's are of the same coin, same evil, and lead to the same evil eternal end all for personal gain such as power and money, roots of all evil. Best to reject both of these evils, since they hate Christ and the Church and will persuade all their means to gain support and maintain power at all costs for their outcome and don't care who gets in the way of their goals. The same attitude and mindset of power and money same with Corporate America applies everywhere and worldwide. "They do not care for the most part about truth, right or wrong, good or evil, so long as they are making money from whatever situation and gaining power then they do not care."
Those ideas are a Darwinist philosophy mindset was applied for real. "As the infamous 19th century book Might Makes Right, which the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley paraphrased in many of his writings, says that the purpose of life is power at all costs and that a man should do whatever he can to get as much for himself and have no care for anybody else, and that those who are considered “weaker” or “inferior” should be crushed because only the “strongest” and “most brutal” deserve to live."
Other words "Survival of the Fittest."
Shoebat explained that they are ranked as the third most anti-LGBT website on the Internet. They are quoted from websites such as Right Wing Watch and other pro-homosexual media for their writings and videos. "We hate the sin of Sodom because God has made clear in the Old Testament that He hates it, and hates it so much that it is one of the four sins that explicitly cry out to Heaven for vengeance (along with willful murder, exploitation of the widow and orphan, and depriving a laborer of his justly earned wages) and about which God made an example in the Bible out of the destruction of Sodom on account of this sin. We want to love as God loves, and to love what God loves means to hate what God hates."
Shoebat made many enemies by Muslims and LGBT, which they have discussed as labeled as Hate Speech, when in reality Shoebat preaches the truth, gives it to you straight, applies Christian values, primarily Catholic church teachings, and can give a damn what others think. They are being threatened with shutdown of their site along with 4Chan is brought up too with threats to their site.
Reiterated that both Stormfront and Daily Stormer are hate sites that promoted the dislike to create the social divide justifying their cause for Race War and implementing National Socialism as the solution to the problems. Other tactic for this is used by the powers that should be is Hegelian Dialectic. These groups will do anything they can to keep up with the social divide to increase their power for their own personal gain and are more brutal than International Socialists.Does this phrase remind you of what Rahm Emanuel said "Never let a Crisis go to waste?"
The shutdown of the Daily Stormer, Stormfront sites goes to show this will be used by the government and the powers that shouldn't be a.k.a. Illuminati can shut down any site and other channels on YouTube that are already happening with increased Censorship that express ideas not socially unacceptable that doesn't fit with the narrative. Shoebat promotes Catholic teaching and is against Homosexuality and Islam.
The greatest persecution of Christians is ahead, for society has turned their back on Christ and has been that way since the Protestant Revolution over 500 years ago and embraced a new form of paganism mirrored to ancient times. #NationalSocialism is rising again, doesn't matter their evil's shape because the end game is the same leading to eternal death.
The only way to combat these evils are through the way of the cross with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of mankind. To learn more on how you can be saved while you still can please read these. Not just once saved always saved, it's personal relationship with Jesus Christ can pray anywhere, following God's laws/commandments, accountability and responsibility that comes with being a Christian. Despite the persecution, they can't take away faith in Christ/Yeshua. Find the narrow path.
This is #SpiritualWarfare not just fighting against flesh and blood, but the forces of darkness. Put the full armor of Christ and stand up against the forces of evil in this world.
"While we are walking into a “Brave New World,” it is really not new at all, just the same as the ancient world before Constantine, except with bigger weapons and better means of doing the same evils again."