I found fresh ginger, and made a tincture with it.

in natural-medicine •  3 years ago 

A local grocery store over ordered Ginger root, and marked them accordingly! So I grabbed 6 pounds of them for some herbal fun.

Scrubbed and sliced, 4 pounds went in a quart jar:


I spilled about 3 cups of 80 proof vodka (darned jar wouldn't hold still...😁) over the ginger, And worked out all the air bubbles.

As always, I labeled the batch including date:


So it's been over 2 months, and I decided to try a little. It was ginger Hot 🔥 and tingled a little going down, but a prime batch!

These will now go to a cool dark dry place:


This is the first time I've purchased an herbal for less than the cost of the vodka....

One teaspoon (ten drops) up to 3 times a day is the recommended dose. It is normally used for upset stomachs and vertigo; but this batch will help clear the nose too!

The other 2 pounds were dehydrated and vacuum sealed for later use. I chewed one of those, and find that dried; their flavor is concentrated! I know the dried batch can be tinctured if needed, or used in cooking.

I like adding herbal tinctures to my prepping supplies! The more of these we can store now, the better off we are when medical services are interrupted.

Natural medicines will remain in the homestead's medical supplies long after the rest are gone! So begin learning about them today, to save tomorrow!

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