
in natural •  4 years ago 

“I am already eating my fruit, vegetable, egg, what do you need to take a multivitamin… I am already drinking vitamin C, I have an iron injection when I feel very tired. And multivitamins are appetizing, whether I should gain weight out of nowhere… ”You've definitely heard these and similar words, maybe you have said them too. So how many of these thoughts are true and how many are false?


Vitamins and minerals are indispensable for a healthier life. Vitamins and minerals are effective from strengthening the immune system to our hair health, from making blood to removing toxins from our body and even protecting our mental health. For example, vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue, cramps, heart diseases and romance. In B12 deficiency, forgetfulness, focus problems, mouth sores, heart palpitations; In case of iron deficiency, problems such as joint pain, hair loss, headaches, depression, insomnia can occur. It is possible to increase such examples. For this reason, we need to take the vitamins and minerals our body needs daily and regularly. So regular and adequate nutrition is a must!

Turkey Nutrition and Health Survey data based on food consumption, especially intake of vitamin and mineral deficiencies are significant in size. Even when we consume fiber-rich foods, protein-rich foods, milk and dairy products and many other must-haves, we find it difficult to get the vitamins and minerals we need daily. This situation reveals the need for vitamin and mineral support.


Vitamin and mineral needs of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly are different. Moreover, this also varies by gender. For example, a pregnant woman's need for iron is not the same as a man's. For this reason, he should choose vitamin and mineral supplements according to gender, age and needs. Since most of us do not know this, we take vitamins with hearsay information, at the suggestion of our neighbor, our friend.

Sometimes, because of this, we can use a vitamin that does not meet our needs at the wrong times and doses.

However, instead of choosing single and high doses while taking vitamin and mineral supplements, it is more appropriate to use vitamins prepared in appropriate doses for age and gender daily. Just as you do not consume spinach, meat, or yogurt alone for a day; If you have mixed foods on your table, it is important that the supplements you use contain mixed and multiple ingredients according to your needs.


When we use multivitamins, we can get enough vitamins and minerals we need daily. This makes us feel more vigorous, healthy, that is, better. This is why many people say, “I don't need it anymore. He can stop using it after consuming one or two boxes of multivitamins thinking that he is fine. This is a very wrong thought; Our body needs these vitamins and minerals all the time.

The World Health Organization recommends that we consume at least 2.5 liters of water every day for a healthy life, take 10 thousand steps, consume 5-9 portions of vegetables and fruits a day, sleep no more than 7 hours a day, consume no more than 3 alcohol a week and not smoke. He does not say to do this for 3 months and then take a break. The same goes for a multivitamin that you can use for your needs. These supplements should be taken for life. But you have to be very careful when choosing it. He wants us to take care to choose the products of reliable brands that do not contain preservatives, gluten, yeast, and contain doses specific to your gender and needs.

There are also misconceptions in the society that continuous multivitamin use is unnecessary, weight gain and taking too much supplements are harmful. Nutritional risks are the second risk factor in the world that shorten life after smoking. If everyone could get the required dose of vitamins and minerals from food, such a risk would not exist.


No, multivitamins do not cause weight gain. If you have just started using a multivitamin, you will see an effect that you interpret as an increase in appetite but in fact an increase in energy in the first 2 weeks. This is proof that your vitamin and mineral reserves are low in your body. Therefore, be patient for 2-3 weeks and do not change your eating habits. Then you will see that everything is in order. The only exception here is products from brands that contain very high doses of vitamin B Complex. Instead of using them, you can spend this process more comfortably by using a multivitamin tailored to your age, gender and needs.


If the multivitamin you are taking is in the right formula, you do not need to take more than one mutltivitamin at the same time. However, Vitamin C should be taken separately at 1000 mg per day and Vitamin D should be taken separately at a minimum of 1000 units per day. The doses of vitamin C and vitamin D you take in multivitamins will not be sufficient.


Alcohol and cigarettes are substances that pose many risks to our health and we should not use… The multivitamin you take is also important in meeting what alcohol and cigarettes consume in your body. Therefore, do not stop using multivitamins, but I suggest you do your best to give up alcohol and smoking.


There are many multivitamins and vitamins on the market. Many people consider the expensive vitamin to be the best. The important thing is not the price, but the content that can meet your daily needs. When choosing vitamins, I suggest you look at the company and how long they have been producing vitamins. All the information is now available on the Internet. Especially after the pandemic, many companies and brands have sprung up. Do not hurt by saying that I will support your body here and prefer companies that have been producing vitamins for many years.

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