The benefits of vegetables "Rimbang fruit" for eye health - Aceh : Boh trung cawieng.

in natural •  8 years ago 

Hallo stemians...
On this occasion I would like to share with you about the fruit mini eggplant (Indonesian : Rimbang or takokak) which is usually used as a vegetable. In Aceh we call "Boh trung cawing", this fruit is believed to clear the eyesight and cure mild myopic eye.

Rimbang (mini eggplant) is a kind of small shrub whose height can be up to 5 meters, but many of us have encountered height less than 2 meters. All parts of the plant prickly Rimbang, except fruit are hairy. Leaf shape is oval with a base like banana and some are tipped round (blunt). Leaves 7-20 cm long with a width of between 4-18 cm. Rimbang fruit has a Latin name Salanum ferrogium Jacq. and is the tribe of the Solanaceae, which is called the type of the plant Solanum torvum Swartz.

Flowers Rimbang have large numbers with shapes like stars with white and slightly yellow in the middle.

Small fruit size and number of lots (clustered). The spread in the tropics and Antilla. This plant can grow wild in forests, plains, up to a plateau with an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level.

Fruit Rimbang contain enough nutrition, one of them saponin, tannins, flavonid, alkaloids, protein fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin A, B, C.

Fruit Rimbang widely used by public Indonesia as an herbal remedy to clear eyesight and cure diseases mild nearsightedness. It is believed from antiquity, based on the positive experience of the people who already use the fruit Rimbang further increase the people's faith in the benefits of fruits Rimbang for eye health, although no medical studies in-depth about the benefits of fruits Rimbang to clear the eyesight and mild myopic eye disease.

Rimbang fruit should be eaten raw because the benefits are good for treatment, but if they do not like to eat raw because of the bitter taste. Rimbang fruit can be sauteed, fried or processed in a variety of delicious and nutritious dishes.

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beautiful flower :)
good jobs friend

@aiqabrago thank you, brother
