Ordered to Use the Sutrah When Praying . . WHAT IS WELL ??? . . Sutrah in Arabic means anything that can get in the way. So sutrah is a barrier. In the terminology of jurisprudence, sutrah means everything that stands before a person who is praying, can be a stick, or a compiled land, or something to prevent a person passing in front of him (📚 Mausu'ah Fiqhiyyah Kuwaitiyyah, 3 / 176-177).
لا تصل إلا إلى سترة, ولا تدع أحدا يمر بين يديك, فإن أبى فلتقاتله; فإن معه القرين
"Do not pray except to face the sutrah, and do not let a person pass before you, if he is reluctantly forbidden then fight him, for indeed with him is qarin (devil)" (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah 800, 820, 841. Al Albani in Sifatu Shalatin Nabi 115) says that the sanadnya jayyid, ashl hadith is contained in Saheeh Muslim).
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