When you face a big type of natural disaster, it is a really big problem in your life. In the case any kind of natural disaster, a domestic pet is incredibly vulnerable. They rely on you to feed and shelter them, but emergency conditions may prevent you from doing so properly. With correct preparation, you can avoid this. Considering a number of situations, you can ensure that your pet is either kept within a safe space or stands a chance at being rescued and reunited with you again in the case of emergency. Neglecting to plan for the unknown not only puts your own safety at risk but also seriously lowers any chance of your animal surviving disastrous conditions. Southern Florida prepares for hurricane Irma, many are including four-legged family members in their plans. Even with the best plans, though, pets can get lost in the chaos of a natural disaster. Animal safeguard associations like the American society for the prevention of cruelty to animals see an uptick in lost creatures after tempests since a few pets get frightened and keep running off. Others hide in places where their owners can’t find or reach them and, in the confusion of an evacuation, get left behind. Still, other families evacuate without their pets, either because they haven’t made arrangements to take their pets or they don’t think they can. The following tips will help you to plan for your animal in the unfortunate case of emergency.
10 helpful ideas for your pet safety.
- Make sure that cats and dogs are wearing collars and identification tags that are up to date.
- Put your cellphone number on your pet tag, in case you need to evacuate.
- Find to safe place for stay ahead of time.
- Never assume you will be allowed to bring your pet to an emergency shelter.
- Check with local official in advance to find out about pet friendly shelters.
- Consider a kennel or veterinarian’s office or contact hotels.
- Bring your pet with you if you evacuate.
- Stock enough food and water for each pet for at least five days.
- Don’t forget to bring your pet medication and sturdy leash or carrier.
- Have a photo of pet.
As a pet parent, your textured companion depends on you for their security and well-being. As you would your other relatives, it is indispensable that you consider how you will look after your hairy companion should a cataclysmic event strike your territory!