RE: A Natural Medicine uses for what is often considered just a pretty flower; the Hydrangea.

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A Natural Medicine uses for what is often considered just a pretty flower; the Hydrangea.

in naturalmedicine •  6 years ago  (edited)

Yeah, I will try to put in the shortcuts as well, it might work better this way.

About language, the more we try the more better we can get with it, its the same with every thing new that we use. for cheering me up always my frie

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I am glad I can cheer you up. One should always be happy, and have fun!

So stay happy!


Theat is how friends should be, thank you for being there my friend and let's just have good time here together.

Fun, fun, fun, LOL! It is all good times. Steemit is still fun, LOL!


I doubt if it's this much fun here as you just said lol I guess saying fun one time is fine :D

Okay Fun, LOL! Still a good time, but you may be right, steem is only one fun deep....


haha yes, only one fun deep.... but still fun :D

But it IS one fun deep, and that is important, LOL!

Keep on posting!


Important is always fun lol

I am trying to post and interact but time now is more demanding

I am glad I can cheer you up. One should always be happy, and have fun!

So stay happy!


Yeah, right that.

Stay happy as well my friend

I intend to, LOL!

I am not one to be depressed....


I like that :D

How's life ?

Hidey Ho neighbor, LOL! All good here, working well. You got out of RC Jail! Good times! Surprised to see you here and not on weku?

Good to see you anyway!


Hi there my friend :D I posted today on weku as well, but I am busy these days with real life things.

Did I get out of RC jail? I didn't check lol :D

Well I tried to post on weku, but it is down because of that spamming fool. So we will see.

You must have, posting okay


Yeah,now I remember, I tried to open well some days ago and it said it's under maintainance. I thought it's that update you were talking about