RE: A few thoughts on Chronavirus from China, and the Natural medicine way to stay safe on the Homestead!

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A few thoughts on Chronavirus from China, and the Natural medicine way to stay safe on the Homestead!

in naturalmedicine •  5 years ago  (edited)

Who's supposed to turn off my computer? You and your nefarious shenanigans sir wonder the liberals don't like you very much. lol.

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Your sweetie of course, ROFLOL!

Liberals hate me because I ask questions they can't answer without thinking. So I make their heads hurt, LOL!


Are you sure? So many of them consider themselves to be intellectuals!

In a population of fleas, a tick is to be looked up to. But I don't want either crawling on me, and by my estimation they are NOT very bright, SMH!


Ha! you calling them blood-sucking ticks? That might be too kind.

Well I guess it does kind of insult blood sucking ticks....


I agree. I see no reason that ticks are even here do you? What good are they?

I put 80 gallons of poison out at the homestead...I don't like them! Disgusting insects, almost as bad as Chiggers!


I agree. What kind of poison did you use on those suckers?