Happy Summer Solstice💚💙❤️🐞🌻🌹🐌

in naturalmedicine •  5 years ago  (edited)

My roses shine upon you today. Time to bring forth the energies of Summer and all the life force energies that arise. The scent of these could heal the world.

#naturalmedicine #summersolstice #share2steem #flowerphotography #ecotrain #ecotrain #mindful #magick #istandforlove #fragrant


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Happy Litha! <3

"May the Circle be open, but unbroken. May the Peace of the Goddess be ever in your Heart."
Solstice Blessings to you, too.

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Thank you Ecotrain happy happy Solstice summer yippie yi yeah!

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What a beautiful message! Happy Solstice!
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