RE: Why?

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in naturalmedicine •  5 years ago 


Great post.

Why? What if? And why not? These are all fundamental questions we should be asking about the situations in which we find ourselves on planet Earth. And I urge anyone who finds truths in this exposition of the Matrix-8 Platform, to be brave enough to break out of their complacency, and act like a Sovereign Adult – DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! This is your planet – you owe it to yourself and all the rest of us to take a chance on really making things better. If you recognize just the slightest chance that the Matrix-8 Platform could actually make a positive difference – be responsible, and act on that recognition. It'll cost you nothing to become a Member of this growing group. And the potential payoff is enormous! Spread the word!

Let me give you my slant on the first question: Why? questioned why we are so complacent in our acceptance of the Status Quo, instead of searching out new solutions and applying them. I'd like to take a look at it from a more historical perspective. Here's my take on the basic reason why the Status Quo has such a powerful hold on us.

10,000 years ago, when Mankind gave up the hunter-gatherer way of life—opting for a better life as a settled farmer living in more densely populated towns and cities—it gave up a lot. Mankind left behind the Individual's rights to Sovereignty, Liberty, and Responsibility.

So far, no modern society has been structured such that it can equitably deal with a free Sovereign Individual. Starting with the ancient God-Kings, there has always been an Elite in control of our lives. For all of history—since Civilization has been run by Governments—the common man and woman have been taught since childhood to obey. First, of course, we have been under the control of our parents. Then, when we reach adulthood, we move out of the control of our parents and into the control of the State. No matter how old we are, no matter in what jurisdiction we have lived, we have always been treated as children – told what to do, and punished if we didn't do it. None of us actually ever gets the chance to become a Responsible Adult. And despite the obvious fact that our duly elected Leaders have made a mess of things – we have become convinced that Society would go to hell if we didn't always have our Betters above us, telling us what to do.

I find that this ingrained mindset is the single greatest hurdle to getting folks to understand that there is a way out – that they 'can' take responsibility for their own lives, and that they can live in peaceful association with their neighbors. With their Smartphones in hand, individuals can reassert their Sovereignty, their Liberty, and their Responsibility – and create peaceful secure societies in which to live. Individuals may not recognize it, but with today's Internet technologies, they can coordinate their Power with that of others, and realize their agreed-upon goals.

In the obvious Dictatorships around the world, it seems that the good people of those countries have no Power. That is what the Dictators and their elite minions want you to believe. The opposite is true! The people of whatever nation are the 'only' Power of that nation. You and your friends and family and neighbors are probably all decent folks. Probably not one real Criminal among them. Then why is it, that even in the world's Democracies—where we 'do' have relative freedom to exercise our Power—all our Democratic Governments are awash in violence and corruption? Answer: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Or, said another way – all top-down governmental power structures create Criminal Leaders.

Solution: We must find a way to organize ourselves so that we do not continue to flow our personal Power into our Capital Cities – where it is concentrated, and sure to be abused by the corrupted Elite Power Junkies running things. History assures us that it is a certainty that they will then use that concentrated Power for their own benefit, and to our detriment. In the Democracies – where we as Individuals 'do' have significant liberties – we have a real chance of exercising our Power in such a way that no Leaders/Rulers get their hands on it, and become corrupted Criminals.

For a fuller exposition on my suggestions regarding, "What if?" – please see my White Paper, at Then, once you understand the incredible potential of the Matrix-8 Platform, and compare that with the relatively low cost of creating it – please, honestly ask yourself, "Why not?"

Start with a comment here, if you have any questions. Or contact me directly at [email protected]

Together we can do this,

John Huckel

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Wey hey hey, @matrix-8 has made a comment. His first comment ever on the Steem Blockchain. I am honoured to be the recipient. So honoured, that i think it must be ....

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And what a comment! I think it's actually worthy of being a post. I'll take a look to see if i can re-steem a comment so more people get to see this.

Thank you JH for this insightful reply. May there be many more.

Your faithful servant