Do you have a natural medicine story to tell? Come closer - we're listening!

in naturalmedicine •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Okay, here is my entry :) I hope you enjoy it AND the pun :D
It is called: Everybody Nose Comfrey Heals Bones

Really cool prompt and project! Here's my entry: Asclepius, and the Food That Wasn't

all my best,
The Million Things

Haa.....I managed to put some of my thoughts and experiences on this one My natural medication is "Meditation"!. 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️

I know it says writing, but I made a video cos that's how I roll lol Even if I don't get entered, still showing support! <3

Ahhhh..... you know, this is how my path deviated from Archaeology and Anthropology into Natural Medicine.

Thinking and feeling hat is on, I’ll meditate on this. Is there a due date?

Due date is 6th of July. I can't wait to hear your story - I did have you in mind as I wrote out this post!

Oh, I know exactly what I'm going to write about,. I was browsing my thoughts and it hit me, the perfect natural medicine story.👃(Oh, the pun I just realised I wrote haha)

Posted using Partiko Android

loving this challenge xxx

Amazing, How many days do I have for this - one week or two weeks time?

Due date is 6th of July! :)

yaayy enough time.

This is not a happy story, but it is an important medical story.

@naturalmedicine, Kindly find my piece below.

Have an amazing time ahead team. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

I feel warm and lovely and healing just reading this post.... cos I KNOW the stories will uplift and encourage and inform more than all the "how to" posts ever will. Lovely. Resteemed.

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Exactly! We learn through stories - we're hard wired for it. How to posts are fine, but without a story they lack lustre and shine.

I hope we are still collecting stories! I'll get to the rest of these stories soon, but thank you all for writing them.

oopsie! I see I already left a medical story here! I have a lot of them. This is my entry for the challenge!! Almost missed it! Hugs for you all ;x;x

I hope this is coming to you under the wire. Thank you so much for the contest.

Nice proposal @naturalmedecine !

I will start ready others entries :)) Can wait to know all those secrets 🌱😍 !

Here is mine : Fire Cutters & Magnetizers : My Healing Memory - Natural Medicine Stories I hope you'll enjoy it ;)
