Share A Natural Medicine Book to Win over 40 Steem! [SPONSORED BY CURIE]

in naturalmedicine •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Hmmmm... Which one to pick...?

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No need to limit to one!


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Loving this challenge I have a few books in mind oh how exciting to see what others share as well xx

The monsoon rains are p'ing down here in Thailand and nothings feels better than the idea of a great book on a cool evening. Sharing about books? I LIKE. :) On it. Resteemed.

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Hey, I would have more then 1 entry for sure on this one 😍😍 Do we have a timeline for this one?

Two weeks! Usually the second weekend. We'll give you a week's notice, don't worry!

I'm going to join this one too! I just got back from buying a book :P

Wow, a very nice initiative! Good luck.

My journey to this point in going as natural as natural can be started almost 30 years ago

Health wise I have been blessed in many ways and apart from my babies opting for the window to enter the world as opposed to the door.... it has been pretty much a breeze

For my default setting "Worry", I devoured books like crazy (since this is pre-internet days) and then moved to the internet.
I remember one of the first books if not the first I read that helped with lightening the load some was The Celestine Prophecy...
I just got rid of it because in this humid weather... it was all yellow and falling apart.

Anyways, of late though it is health that I have been looking at. At this age, I now suddenly need to give it some attention....or I feel I should give it some loving and not take it for granted anymore...

Will be looking out for the entries... curious too :)

Great challenge <33

Oh yes the Celestine Prophecy was a big one for me too!!! Will you share? I do hope so!

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I gotta dig deep for this
It started my journey but I have gone through so many right up to Abraham Hicks
But ok, I might surprise myself too ❤️

Here it is my review ... can't say it is about the book but more of my thoughts and journey :)

Here's my submission! Hope you like my book and my story. I also tagged the @weedcash network because I want all the degenerate stoners to check out this book too HA HA.

Check out my free mini ebook on Aligning with Gaia ->

All about connecting with the sacred land in personal development practice to clear and align your divine blueprint of health and wholeness, through meditation and cleansing with the Elements.

Awww. Would like to join but I don't remember the book my mom has. It's kinda old. It has some first aid stuff in it too. Oh well. 😅

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You could write about the memories and the importance of what you learnt, regardless of the book title? All thoughtful entries will recieve love and be eligible!

Challenge accepted!

A chance to show off my bookcase?

I need to organize my bookcase!

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No organisation necessary!! Share away!

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The simple premise that emotional blocks eventually manifest as physical symp...

Just putting together my post now on my reference book that has served me so well!
Oh yes! I'll take you into my Dhamma library too!

Interestingly, there have really been a few books that have undoubtedly marked a before and after of my evolution and spiritual peace, which translates into better health!

Here is my first entry to the wonderful Natural Medicine Wisdom Challenge on Books -

I have so many books that I could recommend that have been life changing...but soon I'll be posting the first book I read that sent me on a continual self-fulfilling spiritual journey that continues 10 years later...

So many books to choose from! I'm definitely doing this.🤙

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Here is my entry for the book challenge. Hope anyone that reads find some interest to explore inwardly further as I've been aiming to do for the last 10 years ;-)

Sadly, I have nothing for this. We keep very few books, because they take up space. Most of my reading is done online, when it comes to natural healing and such. I have "That Sugar Book," but I'm not really passionate about it. It got browsed once and now sits on the shelf. I should pass it on to someone else, really.

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Finally got to an entry for this round! Another really fantastic topic, so much so that I pushed myself out of my normal topic comfort zone. :)