RE: A Natural Medicine uses for what is often considered just a pretty flower; the Hydrangea.

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A Natural Medicine uses for what is often considered just a pretty flower; the Hydrangea.

in naturalmedicine •  6 years ago 

Obviously, esteem hates me, ROFLOL! :)

I didn't like to read, until 5th grade. I found a book of SciFy, that I couldn't put down. Since then, my choices have grown, and I read a wide variety! Reading is where knowledge comes from; and a well read Man, is always a force to be reckoned with!


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esteem hates you certainly, or I just reply differently or may be I press the wrong button. I replied to.this post earlier and nothing shows up when I see now

Never trust the apps. It seems they only work half of the time. Stay in he platform, works better.

Be Blessed!


True, but it's a lot helpful to be able to post right from your phone and their upvote is good too. But, yes there still are some glitches

I am running from my phone right now. So if you use the browser, and bring up steemit, you don't have to use outside applications.

So bring up your browser, go to steem, use your phone, and post; that's what I'm doing right now!

So let's have a phone party, get on here and get with it!


Wow sir that looks like amazing I have done that earlier but its not that easy to post through browser on your phone I guess, but it's worth giving a try. I I have worked on my phone with weku on a browser just as you said earlier but I rarely used it but with esteem its really easy to reply, to see who commented and and make a post as well.

I typed it through voice, I see many mistakes here :D Not as clear in English as a native American would be

When I used to speach to text myself, I still have to correct a lot of problems, but it's still better than using the little tiny keyboard. :)

Fixing the small problems that exist when you go from speech to text is worth it though, because it's so much quicker. When you can just dictate what you want to say the speed is increased significantly.

Not being your native language I'm sure would make that hassle bigger. I'm only good with English. I could never do this in another language, that is a lot of work, so you doing well.

We keep practice the speed may come up, and it may actually improve your English when you're dictating to the phone.

I'm still having some problem with it paragraphing and in the punctuation, but other than that it's going pretty smoothly. I'm glad you found out that you can use it yourself.

I have dragged an icon to my homepage on my phone, that allows me to single bump into weku or into steem it. That makes it very quick to go from the browser into either one; and pretty smooth too.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That is very much true I would have been better at it if it was my native language, but I still try to do my best but the same issues occur, like splitting it into paragraphs and fixing the mistakes , those are in dozens :D

That is a good suggest though, adding a shortcut to your homepage of phone and you go into weku and steemit with one click. That's better.

So the previous Part I just wrote was handwritten now trying to dictate it through my voice let's see how it goes. yes I do agree with the fact that it will improve my English that already is above average, because I have been communicating with so many foreigners lately. Steemit has helped as well. Plus, I have been a good English student too

Well you're ahead of me, I never was a very good English student. I always did what I had to do to get through English, to go on to something that interested me!

But I am learning how to dictate on this thing it is improving speed wise, as I get better at dictation. It seems to be mostly timing, you have to slow down just a little bit and give it time to catch up.

It is always better to dictate in the language you are thinking in. They would be better if you could dictate it in your local language and then translate it. That's a possibility that would be easier I'm sure. But barring that, even dictating in the language that's not as smooth is faster than that little tiny keyboard!

I'm even getting better at the paragraphing, anyway good to see you here on the steam too. I answered a bunch of your week of comments recently I'm still not caught up there though.


Yes the home screen icons are a great add! Sure make these platforms more accessible! It sure helps me get there quickly!

If it were the language you think in, it would be smoother to use in speech to text mode. Maybe then you could translate it from there....

You are getting there! I can tell you are a good student of English! Remember, the more you use it, the more it will work good for you . So keep on talking!
