International Women's Day and Our Sacred Moon Cycle

in naturalmedicine •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Today is International Women's Day and as much as I like to celebrate my friends and take the time to look back and remember the many women that came before us, part of me is a little disappointed that we actually need a specific day to do so. Of course there is nothing stopping us from doing it all the time. But who does?

Don't get me wrong, it is great that there is a day where people come together and focus on the many amazing achievements that women have made and are making. But every year on this day I always end up wanting to scream out, come everyone we can do better than this.

I do not want to take away from this day and the many wonderful things that are happening around the world, indeed I have been wishing everyone a wonderful Women's day. I do however, like to see today as a small stepping stone, towards what really needs to happen. Because in reality women everywhere need to be honouring and acknowledging themselves first. As much as we admire and are inspired by others, we need to start bringing that back to ourselves.

Lets talk about the very real things that are happening in society today that are having a huge impact on women. Lets talk about the identity crises that many women have, the many women who do not feel like they fit into this ideal portray of what a successful woman is. There is so much pressure on women, when it comes to how they look, how they act and how they birth their children.

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There is little if any initiation/celebration for young girls when they become women. So many girls are miseducated about their bodies and their menstrual cycles. Growing up so that they suffer so badly, because instead of learning to embrace this sacred part of womanhood they are told that it is a hindrance. Just recently I read an article over here in Ireland and the women wrote how she had just started her cycle and it felt as if a nuclear bomb had gone off inside her womb. To say I was disgusted, is to put it mildly.

As a woman, I can tell you that our bodies are amazing, that we all carry the gift of creation and I am not just talking about babies here. Because we create so many things throughout our lives. We are nurturers and we feel things deeply.

Once a month we are given the opportunity to really embrace and work with our bodies. We are given the opportunity to release all that we have been holding onto, when we bleed. But how many do this. How many just ignore this need to be still and quiet, ignore this call to be gentle with themselves.

When you ignore this, then you will feel pain, because instead of releasing all your tension, you are allowing everything to just build up inside of you. Layers upon layers of pain, held inside, eating away at you. We hold the power to heal ourselves, yet so many are unaware of this.

There is a reason why we feel like we want to hide away from the world on these days, because guess what we are meant to. We are meant to take the time to retreat into ourselves and show ourselves some love, to listen to what our bodies are trying to communicate with us.

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This is a sacred time and we need to start to acknowledge that and embrace the power that comes with it.
Happy International Women's Day.

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I love this! I embrace my beautiful moon cycle and give thanks for my special time... and amazingly my cycles have become so much easier and less painful. I hope as women we can release the stigma and embrace our cycles as a beautiful part of being a woman 💜

Thank you @consciousangel7 I really hope so too xx


I feel the same way around woman's day. Especially round my white middle class students who think they are liberated and there's no need for feminism because they are free. Well, girls, have I got a story to tell you...

... best stick to the curriculum.

Funny, I've always been in touch with my cycles and the moon and the sacred feminine in me. I don't know if it comes from a feminist mother (not hippy in ANY sense but she did teach me that I was as good if not better than men lol) or being in love with nature (Thanks Dad) or growing up with hippy chicks or a combo or what but gee I feel lucky to not feel shame and to be in touch with this part of me. You know, since I was early 20s I started using a moon cup or just bleeding into the earth around home or at beach. Strikes me as funny now. Never thought about it, but it just felt natural. A fluid fertilizing the earth that fertilisers me. Cyclic wonder.

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I know it does make so much sense but for many others it is viewed with disgust, which really baffles me but that is the world we live in today. I love feeding the soil in this way. Thank you beautiful for dropping by, it is always wonderful to hear your thoughts xxx

This is a really intriguing perspective on a woman’s cycle. I really appreciate the comparison of the shadowing to releasing internal conflict. As an alchemist, I really pay attention to how the physical work world is reflected in the psyche. It really makes sense the way that you have put this.

thanks @alchemage, it is real good to see you back on here. I really wish more and more women would be able to really see the power they hold inside and the amazing opportunity for self healing we all have. To embrace our bodies and our wisdom, our imbalance really has a huge affect on the earth xx

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Thanks for being a continued advocate of natural medicines on the blockchain! Thank you for this post bringing awareness and expressing the need for self love - the place where it all begins and can radiate from. Love your post so much that we’ve also resteemed it.
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Thank you so much @naturalmedicine and @porters, it is always an honour to be visited by you xxx

You've been visited by @thistle-rock from Homesteaders Co-op.

It is wonderful to see the natural occurrences of the body being openly spoken about and revered instead of made to be shameful. As natural as a blink is made to moisten the eye or as a nose runs to clear the sinuses, so too is the female cycle a natural phenomenon and necessity of the body... without it, there would be no mankind!

Thank you for a thoughtful, kind, and gentle post.

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