My Celebration Of The Equinox And Of Balance!

in naturalmedicine •  4 years ago 


It is the eve of the Spring Equinox. The festival of Balance and New Life, the Festival of Awakening. This last year we have definitely witnessed an awakening and now as we more forward so many of us, are creating a new way, a new life for ourselves. Taking back our power, our sovereignty

Re-establishing balance within our lives!

The Equinox, is when day and night are equal, it is a celebration of the sun's active energy in the day and the moon's receptive energy at night. It is the time to connect with our inner world, to bring it into balance with our outer world. Bringing more awareness, more healing and enabling us to transform.

Our lives are interconnected with the natural world and when we open ourselves up, to the lessons and guidance that nature provides, we allow ourselves to connect on a much deeper level. We see how the seasons affect us, mentally, spirituality and physically. We can look to the trees and plant, to tell us when it is time to travel deep and when it is time to resurface and share our gifts with the world.

Nature is our greatest teacher!

Understanding that everything we do, affects us on all levels, that they are all interconnected and that to seek balance in one, is to seek it in all! There is a balance of energy within the world, one that flows around us and through us, but we must first become aware of it, so that we can really embrace that balanced flow.

As we step fully into the more active phase of the year (for us in the Northern Hemisphere, that is). We need to seek a balance between our more rational mind and our intuition and inner wisdom. This is something that is very much out of balance at the moment. After years of conditioning, so many of us, lead with a rational mind. A mind that disconnects us from our power, our strength lies in being able to embrace them both. To recognize the value in our intuition and our rational way of thinking.


To embrace both our feminine and masculine energies, to find that balance within ourselves. To live in harmony with ourselves. To be confident and nurturing, to strive forwards and dream!To embrace our full potential and share it with the world.

Just as everything in the natural world is shaking off the last dregs of winter, so too are we stepping into our active phase. The time to manifest and create change. To reach out for what we want and allow it to happen. The weather is unpredictable right now, the rain, the sun, the wind. All calling on us to return to the wild. To find our balance in the wilderness and in the comforts of our home. This is what it means to run free and be empowered

To run free, to run towards our authentic self. To take risks, so that we explore the different parts of ourselves and connect with who we truly are. To take the road less traveled, the road that leads us back to self. A journey that makes us balanced and whole.

Tomorrow is the Spring Equinox and I will be attending another day of NVC training, training that is bringing more awareness and balance into my life. As I work towards empowering me and those in my life.

The day after is my birthday and I plan on having a few friends over, so that we can celebrate life, celebrate the Equinox, celebrate the power of manifestation. I will be making some energy balls to share, as each person takes one, they will share what it is that they wish to bring out into the world, what their vision is, to name their project, to manifest change. We will then eat them, taking in the spirit of potential!

I believe strongly in celebrating the seasons, in acknowledging our connection to nature. This is one of the ways in which I stay in balance. Reminding myself, that I am eternally connected and that connection is what empowers me. To witness the balance within and without and to celebrate it.

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Understanding that everything we do, affects us on all levels, that they are all interconnected and that to seek balance in one, is to seek it in all!

A rarely learned truth @trucklife-family... thanks for reminding me :>)