There will be a total lunar eclipse, the Islamic religious ministry Invites the Muslims Shalat Khusuf

in naturalphenomena •  7 years ago 

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Based on astronomical data, there will be a Total Moon Eclipse (GBT) on January 31, 2018 or coinciding with 14 Jumadil Ula 1439H.

Director General of Islamic Bimas Muhammadiyah Amin explained that almost all regions of Indonesia can observe this GBT. Early eclipse is estimated starting at 20:48 WIT, 19.48 WITA, or 18.48 WIB.

"The peak of the eclipse will occur at 20:29 pm, and the end of the total lunar eclipse at 22:11 pm," he said in Jakarta, Thursday (25/01).

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In relation to that, Muhammadiyah Amin invites Muslims to perform the Eucharistic Salat or Salat Khusuf. According to him, the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance of the Ministry of Religious Affairs has issued an appeal to the Heads of Regional Offices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs to instruct the Head of Islamic Affairs / Head of Bimas Islam / Sharia Supervisors, Head of Regent / Municipal Kemenag, and Head of KUA to together with ulama, leaders of Islamic organizations, mosques, local government apparatus and the community to implement the Partial Lunar Month Prayers in their respective areas.

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"The implementation of eclipse prayers is tailored to the situation and conditions of their respective regions," he said.

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The procedure of the Eclipse of Salat is as follows:
a. Be in the heart;

b. Takbiratul ihram, namely takqir as regular

c. Read the prayer of iftitah and berta'awudz,
then read Al Fatihah's letter and continue
reading a long letter (such as the letter of Al
Baqarah) while it was raised (hardened, not.
soft) as in the hadith of Aisha: "The Prophet.
wishing (hardening) his reading during the
eclipse prayer. "(Bukhari Bukhari No. 1065
and Muslim 901);

d. Then ruku 'as it extends;

e. Then rise from ruku '(i'tidal) while saying
"Sami'allahu Liman Hamidah, Rabbana Wa
Lakal Hamd";

f. After this i'tidal does not prostrate, but
continued by reading Al Fatihah letter and long
letter. The second stand is shorter than the

g. Then the ruku 'back (second ruku') is shorter than the previous ruku ';

h. Then rise from ruku '(i'tidal);

i. Then prostrate as long as the ruku ', then sat
between the two prostrations and prostrated
j. Then he rose from the prostration and then
performed the second rak'ah as the first
rak'ah was just reading and his movements
were shorter than before;

k. Greetings.

After that the priest delivered a sermon to the congregation that contains the advice for dhikr, praying, beristighfar, giving charity.

And thanks for u attentions..

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