Flying Squirrels in the Attic?!

in nature •  7 years ago 


The last few nights I heard noises coming from the attic at night. At first, we thought that maybe we had a mouse stuck in the attic. After putting out traps, we failed to catch any mice. Unsure of what to do we decided to look around. All of the sudden a tail swished by out of the corner of my eye. Maybe a gray squirrel I thought. We decided to get out the hav a hart trap to see if we could catch it. I baited the trap with peanut butter on white bread and set it up in the attic near where I heard the noise. Sure enough an hour later we had caught something.

What we caught however was not a gray squirrel. It was a FLYING SQUIRREL. Flying squirrels can jump from tre to tree stretching their skin to use as wings to glide around. Definitely not something that we wanted living in the attic but a cool little animal. I took the trap outside and in the morning drove him to a wooded area a few miles away to release him into the wild.

Here he is eating the open face peanut butter sandwich

This is him in his new home after being released



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That’s awesome! I’ve never seen one of those in the wild before (let alone inside my house). Good to see it has a happy ending!

Yeah I'm assuming they're nocturnal. I rarely see them here in NJ but they're really small and live up high in trees so it makes sense I guess