![image](https://img.esteem.ws/mwxetnujju.jpg)Be careful what you tell people, outside influence can be damaging

in nature •  7 years ago 

imageBe careful what you tell people, outside influence can be damaging

We have all been guilty or blowing off tension by telling a close friend how we feel about an argument or words we had with our love mate. At the time it seems fully justified to do so. After all, they are your ’go–to’, right? Everyone needs someone to talk to even if just to get something out in the open or to gain a different perspective or affirmation that our take on the situation is justified.

This all sounds very civilized until your best friend goes home and tells her partner, not meaning of course to do any harm, but then the partner lets it slip to his friend who just happens to know your friend’s partner and now you have a potential problem that can get more out of control and misconstrued every time it is repeated.

Everyone thinks they know what is best for you and because they care about you they want to give their two cents worth of what they consider ’good advice’. All of a sudden your five minutes of blowing off steam has turned into an issue you now need to deal with.

Be careful of what you tell people and who you tell. Sometimes, you just have to deal with things yourself or pay a professional who is bound by law to keep your business private.
Be wise.

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