must menjajal tours in Sabang, Aceh. The most western city in Indonesia is blessed with beautiful panorama.
The beach is the main attraction of this 153 m2 city. the beauty of Iboih Beach, Pantai Kasih, Sumur Tiga and Pasir Putih can make tourists feel at home in this island city. But there are still other attractions that are certainly worth a visit.
"Sabang has the most beautiful panorama in Indonesia, like a piece of land down from heavenbecause I do not see elsewhere, in one view (at once) there are mountains, lakes, hills, sea, "said Mayor Sabang Zulkifli H Adam told reporters in Sabang,
Sabang does have Aneuk Laot Lake. with a panoramic view of the green hills surrounding the lake adjacent to the sea could be the opening of a series of tourist trips in Pulau Weh.
After that, tourists can start the beginning of the adventure in Pantai Sumur Tiga in le Meulee Village. take a walk on the shoreline with the color of the green gradation water or choose to sit back and relax from the top of the hill with the shade of coconut palms, pleasant enough. On the shore there is a well complete with a bucket of timbaan. although only a few meters from the beach, the water in this well tastes fresh.
Not far from Well Three, tourists can return to enjoy the beach with different shades of Anoi Itam Beach. This beach in eastern Sabang already has adequate facilities for tourists including lodging. in contrast to Sumur Three which, at one of these beaches has a large coral ranks that stand firm with a great sweep of waves.
The journey in Sabang continues exciting past Kelok 13 Teupin Meuneng, Cot Balohan. the mayor apparently deliberately made a spot for photographed locations for tourists. In this spot, we can see the vast sea panorama, hills including winding roads. "I am often among guests, so know the location of the best photos," said Zulkifli who directly guided journalists when introducing the best tourist location in his city.
Not satisfied to get there? You can explore other tourist sites namely Volcano Crater Jaboi. this crater is formed due to geothermal activity beneath the surface causing magmatic fluids. Tourists can see directly the crater is still active and the flow of warm water that flows around it. at this location, at some point the smoke appears from the cracks of course with the smell of gas sting.
Furthermore, tourists can go to hot water bath at Gampong Keneukai. There are 3 ponds in the location where the water comes from a hot spring about 300 meters from the pool. in the springs that are on the beach, the level of the water can reach 40-50 degrees Celsius.
But unfortunately, arguably hot water bathing place is 'abandoned' because the condition of the pool is not too clean including a place to relax tourists who no longer care.
it feels incomplete tours without snorkeling and diving. Tourists can do it at Iboh Beach which is located 8 km from the monument Zero Kilometer. On this beach tourists can find coral reefs and various types of tropical fish. here also has been equipped with adequate facilities such as lodging, dining and rental equipment snorkeling and diving.
Not to be missed, tourists must visit Zero Kilometer monument at the end of Pulau Weh, Sabang. currently zero kilometer monument is still in the process of restoration, although tourists can still visit it. "Insya Allah this year is over," said Zulkifli.
If you want to enjoy the sunset (sunset), you can stop by Sabang Hill. from the top of the hill, tourists can also enjoy the view of the Bay of Sabang with green hills as well as harbor views.
zulkifli guarantees the city of about 33 thousand people, safe for domestic or foreign tourists "Sabang safest area in Aceh," he said ensuring infrastructure in tourist sites including resorts for tourists continue to be done.
he believes the level of tourist visits in Sabang will soar in addition to the tourism potential and facilities that start equipped, transportation services to Sabang now become easy with the flight airline Garuda Indonesia Kualanamu Airport route, Deli Serdang Sumut-Maimun Saleh Airport, Sabang.
Medan-Sabang flight using ATR 72-600 aircraft with a capacity of 70 passengers. The flight will be served 3 times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays with the inaugural flight on Friday.
"With this flight, will certainly increase the number of tourists visiting Sabang which will certainly improve the economy in this city,"