Get Ur Nature on!!

in nature •  5 years ago 

Red Winged Black Bird Wilderness Peoples Inc. is my Dream 501c3. The mission statement is “Helping People by helping Nature.” The name Red Winged Black Bird Wilderness people has a deep meaning to us. In nature red winged black birds have a reputation. They are known for a few things which is the reason why they represent this organization. They are known for their protective traits. They protect their young ones, mates and even other birds against much larger dangerous threats. They do not fear and unify for protection. It also represents courage and confidence when needed in large crowds. Red Winged Black bird teaches us the value of unity and strength in numbers. Unified efforts can undoubtedly lead towards the achievement of a goal. Our goal here is to save Nature and the land and creatures we love. We are stepping forward for our beloved Nature. We call it her because in our belief system she is our mother. We each have a biological mother right down to the smallest creature. Our collective mother is Nature. She sustains our lives as a mother sustains her children. I always say we because I think of what we can do to help. What can we do to give back and to change the course of this planet? We are the Red Winged Black Bird Wilderness People (RWBBWP) a group of folks that work for Nature and work to save our natural places.

 So what is our 501c3 going to do? This is the fun part! We are going to bring Nature back. Right down to the smallest vacant lot to the most beautiful resort. We want there to be a small slice of Nature everywhere you go. Even if we have to put it in an aquarium and display it we will. If you bring healthy habitats Nature will come. So we plan to bring healthy habitats everywhere. 
  Every place on Earth has its own forms of Nature. Some forms are spectacular and some kind of drab but it is all beautiful in its own way. It’s incredible how nature can bounce back even in the smallest ways. For instance when we purchase a beautiful manicured lawn from the landscaper and have to spray it with weed killer to keep the native species (weeds) from growing through the sod. That’s just not supposed to be that way. On our website we will be posting information on how to landscape the natural way and save money, time and the environment. 
 Our main goal is to protect what natural places we have left anyway we can. After we can become a legal charity we hope for land donations so we can build a foundation of natural places under our management. Ultimately creating a land trust for our future generations of Red Winged Black Bird Wilderness People. 
 Also participating in non-native eradication events for public or private properties is a great way to give back if a monetary donation isn’t possible. Figure out which species in your area is native and eradicate the non-natives every day you feel like giving back to Nature. We will explain the importance of this on our website. 
  We are getting involved in the Climate Change awareness movement going on across the globe. Extinction Rebellion and Climate Change Reality are a few initiatives our group is involved with. All of this is happening now it’s just the name that needs branding (Red Winged Black Bird Wilderness People) and funds to do all of the paperwork and website. We are so excited about our mission and need some help to get things started. There are a few ways you can help. Making a monetary donation will help get the funding for our paperwork and then we can legally accept donation as a 501c3 and be taxed exempt as well as a tax write off. Monthly contributions are a great way to make a huge impact and allow for great progress in the long run. If that is something that you can’t afford, a one-time donation helps show support and ads to the start-up fund. Even a dollar shows we have supporters and helps with morale. 

We are committed to saving all the natural and wild places that we can. Through land management and conservation education we can possibly save our planet, our home, our Mother Earth.

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