National Parks - Destorying themselves?

in nature •  9 years ago 

National Parks are truly a gem given to this country. There are 59 National Parks and the system was founded on August 25, 1916. This year they are celebrating their 100 year anniversary and it is truly something amazing. Over my time, I have explored quite a few of the parks and hope to visit all 59.

While National Parks offer education for the public, a safe place for wildlife and for beauty to always be there, I'm starting to become worried. This year I have heard more stories of humans being just plain dumb than anything else when it comes to National Parks. I would love for the parks to still be here when my grandchildren have children, but I'm feeling as if this might not be the case.

In case you didn't hear, earlier this year, a man saw a baby bison and thought he was cold, he then took the bison and placed it in his car thinking he was saving the bison, when infact it had to be put down because mom would not take the baby back. Humans forget that these animals live in much more dangerous conditons than Yellowstone. Why do people feel the need to be the hero when it truly should just be left the way it is?

When I was in Alaska, I had a chance to go visit Denali, that is where this picture was taken. While I had the chance to go camping and see the park, I also hear some stories that truly destoryed my heart and again made me question humanity. Riley Creek Campground is the largest campground there and it is right by the entrance of the park. Park rangers walked apon a dead moose one day with it's two babies hanging around the body. No one truly knows why this happened or who would have done this, but the park rangers have closely monitored the two calves making sure they are able to thrive on their own. 

The park rangers also hoped that this mom was going to take on the two ophrans. While the story was heart breaking, it was encouraging to see that the calves were doing well without their mom and did not need to be placed in to rescue.

In sharing my frustration with individuals not being educated on respecting nature, I want to ask those reading this, what can you do to help keep beauty still around, along with the wildlife that comes with it? Are we doomed to a place with no wildlife? How do we save ourselves if we are the enemy?

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