Daily Nature Fix: Some Stunning Scenery of Sitka, Alaska. (Original Photos)

in nature •  8 years ago 

   Hello everyone. That was a lot of "S's".  This evening's Daily Nature Fix is going to be less yapping and more photos.  I'm getting back into the swing of things and am getting this one put up pretty late in the day!  Anyway, these are a few of my favorite landscape photos from beautiful Sitka, AK.  We got really lucky on our visit here as the weather was gorgeous, which doesn't happen very often here.  Sitka is ranked as the 16th rainiest city in the United States!

^^^^The volcano Mt. Edgecumbe and some really cool evergreen-covered islands and fishing cottages.  Read more about Mt. Edgecumbe on a past DNF post here -> Daily Nature Fix: A Snowy Volcano.

^^^^ A view of the village.  Quite the backdrop, I must say! 

^^^^The view on the other side of the bay.  I loved the mountains in this whole area. Plus that little fishing boat coming in!

^^^^We even had a bald eagle pop in to say "hi".  Here is another DNF blog with more bald eagle photos from this trip - Daily Nature Fix: An American Icon - Live and Up Close. 

    Thanks for reading! I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss one!  See you tomorrow.  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***

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Great photos! Thanks for sharing.

beautiful nature :D

Wonderful pictures! I like them all; beautiful mountains, peaceful village, amazing eagle, and the smooth water (lake), etc.

Thanks @tangmo! Glad you like them. :)

Wow, what gorgeous scenery. I especially like the first photo.

Me too! I love little islands full of pines and the volcano is an awesome background to it.

I would love to go there!

How majestic!! Those mountains are snow peaked to perfection! and the eagle soaring just at the right moment with the right wing span....absolutely stunning.

Am really happy to have my favorite daily nature dose back :)