Daily Nature Fix: Yellowstone by iPhone. (Original Photos)

in nature •  7 years ago 

Hi guys! Yesterday's Daily Nature Fix about iPhone photos of Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon seemed to be enjoyed, so I figured I'd do another round of iPhone-only photos. This time: Yellowstone National Park. I think one of the appealing things about clumping photos together that were taken with only a cellphone is that it gives a better idea of what a place (or thing) looked like in person. No fancy equipment. I didn't do much editing other than size and brightness adjustments.

^^^This first one is cooler than it looks. I mean, that's a LOT of steam coming out of the ground, which is cool by itself, but what this is a photo of is awesome. This is a photo of the Steamboat Geyser. The awesome part is that this is the largest geyser in the entire world. This bad boy is number 1. At eruption, it can throw boiling hot water up to 300 feet in the air. It's eruptions are unpredictable and seem to happen every few years or months, and the last time we were at the park, we missed one by just 3 days! Though it was in the middle of the night so I guess we wouldn't have seen it anyway. 🤷‍♂️

^^^This next one was taken somewhere in Porcelain Basin. I'm not sure which hot spring this is, but I'm sure it has a name. I really love the power blue color of the water. It must have a lot of silica or other mineral in it to make it look this way. That same mineral is probably whats been deposited across the surrounding landscape giving it the barren, white porcelain look.

^^^Here's the only panorama of this bunch. At the time, I think I had an old iPhone 4s, which was one of the first to have the panorama feature. I took a LOT of them on this trip. lol Anyway, this one is looking out across the Grand Prismatic Hot Spring, which is probably the most incredible natural land feature I've ever seen. Mother Nature sure is one hell of an artist.

^^^No, this is not a painting or a postcard. This really is what it looked like at the Calcite Springs Overlook, peering out over the Yellowstone River. Again, iPhone photo.

Thanks for reading! I try to post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and resteem if you found it especially interesting! Be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss out on your nature fix! See you tomorrow. - Adam
*** These daily blogs showcase the natural world. It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels. ***

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I already know I want to visit this place, din’t rub it in... :P

Make it happen! Everyone should at some point in their lives. Thats what I say.

I do think Yellowstone is so beautiful...except all the people rather ruin the experience for me. Great photos!

Yeah, I agree. It's super hard to take nice photos there when you're trying to crop all of the people out of the frame.

I spent a lot of time there in the 70s and felt like I was in the wilderness. When I was there 3 years ago I had to stand in line to take a photo. I couldn't wait to get out of there!

wow really great views of this famous park, these pics made me want to visit the park

I hope you do someday. Everyone should at some point in their lives. That's what I think.

Love the contrasting colours in the panorama shot. I can remember when the panorama feature first appeared in the iphone world. Was such an innovation haha. Nice pictures mate, thanks for sharing another great place in nature :)

I will be headed out that way in a week, can't wait!

It's an awesome place. The amount of people kind of sucks, but the park itself far outweighs that downside.

Goodness... My eyes are intrigued
Is it possible that there are lava geysers in the world

I think they would just be volcanos maybe? The one I have pictured isn't lava. The orange is microbial mats that grown on the grown where hot spring water flows over.

Is this hot water drinkable?
Can it be harnessed for community?

These are really cool pix. i have read about Yellowstone on magazines. but its nice to see real time pictures and your iphone camera is really great. thanks @customnature for sharing your pix with us. Nature is simply beautiful if only man will not destroy it with greed.

You are absolutely right about us destroying nature. We will be our own doom, I feel, and planet Earth with be happy when we are gone.

Spot on. Thanks once more. I will work hard to preserve nature and encourage my friends to do same. if we can form a global network of nature lovers and savers, maybe we can have some positive impact.

Sangat indah hasil koleksi ponsel iPhone mu @customnature, saya merasa kagum melihatnya, betul-betul nyata.