Top 3 MOST PAINFUL Insect Stings in the World

in nature •  6 years ago 




-Pain to the Brain-

You may be surprised to find out that the most painful stings come from such tiny creatures. We all know that a honeybee sting does not feel good, but what if I told you that compared to what I am about to share with you, everyday bee stings are comparable to being flicked by a toddler. There are insects who's stings can cause temporary paralysis, massive swelling, and some cause pain that lasts up to 24 hours!

In this post, I will list the top three most painful insect stings in the entire world. Along with that, I will provide a few pictures, basic info, and a video of Coyote Peterson being stung by each insect.

I will be releasing more detailed posts about each insect in my very near future write-ups. Each one lives such insane existences that I feel they all deserve their own detailed entry. However today, I will give you some teasers. Hopefully you will decide to follow me so that you will not miss the upcoming blogs.


Most Painful Insect Stings

Number one being most painful.

1)Bullet Ant

2)Warrior Wasp

3)Tarantula Hawk



1) Bullet Ant

Sting starts at - 12:50 (video below)



2) Warrior Wasp (a type of Paper Wasp)

Sting starts at - 14:20 (video below)



3) Tarantula Hawk (a type of Spider Wasp)

Sting starts at - 10:25 (video below)




Pain is No Joke

As you can tell from the videos, the pain from these stings is excruciating. Good thing none of these three insects are found in my area. I'll stick to getting tattoos for my dose of stinging pain.

If you like what you see here (even if it scared you) be sure to leave a upvote and comment your thoughts below. I would love to know if any of you live in the areas that these are found in, this includes tropical rainforests & deserts. Also be sure to stay tuned to my page for my soon to come posts focused on each one of these creatures. I will be providing many more facts and will keep it easy to understand.

Thanks for stopping by!




Best Regards,










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Geez! What the Hell?!...

Got stung by bee once, and this was enough for me

Are u okei? 😧

Wow. Very interesting. Looks painful.

I got to feel bullet ant.

I will place it top 1 :)

Oh man, I'm very curious and also very hesitant on experiencing a bullet ant's sting

That's crazy! You are a REAL MAN after experiencing that.

How long did the pain last?
Did your body go numb anywhere?

i don't honestly remember how long the pain lastet, but it was so painful i was told i fainted, buti don't recon that happening.

And yes i got stung on my hand upper wrist part, and my whole hand went numb and i had chest pain and ofc headache

That sounds extremely painful. Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope that never happens to you again.

Thank you !

Definetaly something i don't want to live trough again.

@tsnaks, I shall do what I can to ensure we never cross paths! Here was thinking the soldier ants bite was painful and I did not even pass-out and the swelling was just the immediate area. Sorry you had to experience that.

You will feel for sure. But what happens after that?

I learn new stuff everyday from steemit thanks @daltono. Imagine the bullet ant climbing up your trousers and stinging "the balls" 😱 .

That is one of the worst things I’ve ever imagined 😂😅🤣


This is a very well crafted post.
I recently watched Peterson's series on the stings and was blown away.
@steemitqa and I happen to talk about bullet ants in quite often lately.
Great job!

Thanks my dude!
Peterson is quite the interesting fellow, his emotion is quite fun to witness. Then add in the amazing creatures he features.

Yes, @daltono , me and @jonny-clearwater have been talking a lot about bullet ants and this particular show a lot so we appreciate this. Great job!

Nice! Great to see the synchronicity coming into play with this crazy subject of intentional stinging. All for the betterment/entertainment of humanity of course 🧐

This has to be the most colourful and attractive post I have seen on here! Thanks a lot for this information too, it is so well presented, AWESOME! Over the years, the kids at school often asked me this question. Now, I can let them know.

Namaste :)

Thanks my brother. I am very passionate about design and aesthetics. Plus I like to make my blogs very easy to navigate.

I am glad you enjoy what I have provided. I want to thank you equally for interacting in my comments and upvoting.

This absolutely killer content! I couldn't stop watching! Did you ever hear about Tim Friede? He is the guy who gets bit intentionally by venomous snakes such as the black mamba? This reminds me of that because I couldn't stop thinking about it for years after I saw it. The crazy thing I found out is that the more we are exposed to allergens the more our body becomes immune. It's no comparison but I used to be severely allergic to cats. I tried exposure therapy and it actually worked! Like I said no comparison. Just wanted to say again that this is amazing content!

Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoy.
No I have not heard of Tim Friede, he sounds like a tots bad ass.

It do know that our immunity is generally built up through consistent exposure. I grew up around cats and dogs and was always fine. I moved away, now when I am at home with cats and dogs I am highly allergic to them. My eyes/nose always itch, and certain kinds of dogs even make my face swell up. So I guess we lose the built up immunity whenever we are no longer exposed to that environment for a certain amount of time and decide to return.

And again, thank you for leaving such a detailed comment. I love it!

Goodness "some pretty crazy things" no seem like a suicide mission. I could not watch the video stopped with the leeches. I fully


I agree that I would not put myself in these situations.
If it weren’t for Mr. Peterson’s bravery/stupidity, then we wouldn’t know EXACTLY what happens.

Why do we need to know? It's like taking poison to know what it feels like. What point does it really serve?

well i have been stung severally by bullet ant and in Nigeria when stung by bullet ant there is this believe that the pain will subside if the stung individual kills and uses the ant to scrub the stung portion . lol
from experience , it is painful at first and then the pain becomes enjoyable i mean the itching the goes with it lol @tsnakes. if you want to be stung @tsnaks come over here and face the horror of african bullet ant lol.

how about scorpion sting @daltono

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You must be used to the pain by now.

I think @tsnakes would be wise to decline your offer 🤣

Im sure hurts, but it is not the worst.

yap it takes time to get use to it and @tsnakes will love it after a few stings 😂

What about most annoying ones? ;-)

We can go ahead and rank termites at #1. They destroy entire homes. I don’t like that.

I was once stung by a fire ant and let me tell you that it was no fun at all so I can just imagine what these insects must feel like!

I can imagine so. Must have been something that you will NEVER forget happened to you.

On my 10th birthday a honey bee was flying around me, it then went between my legs near my croch. What do you think I did?
I caught it in between my legs to try and kill it...

Poor bee was in the wrong location at the wrong time.
I had one fly inside of my shirt at an amusement part when I was around 10, it did sting me. Luckily it was only a honeybee.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I wish I could get stung by these. I don't enjoy pain but it would just be nice to know what it feels like for myself. I would love to experience it. Just once though. I like to experience everything in life at least once. We only live once. Might as well experience everything we can. Even if it is painful. I want the full spectrum of life.

Part of me wants to call you crazy. But the vast majority of me loves the way you think! You only live once, I totally agree with that. We are infinite.

Yeah. I might be a little crazy. In a good way though. I would upvote your comment but someone recently told me that up voting is a bad idea when your votes aren't worth much. I was up voting everyone's comments that I liked. I guess the payment threshold is $0.02 so it doesn't make sense for me to do that anymore. I've only been on here for 10 days. Maybe in the future when my blogs take off. And they will. I followed you. Thanks for the response

Crazy is good sometimes. I like to think of it as being an anomaly. Not often seen, but always remembered. Stay committed to Steem, I know I won’t forget you my friend.

Interesting indeed. You know, in the wake of my spiritual Awakening I have been receiving many insights into my next lifetime, and one of the things I definitely need to get used to is the fact that insects and plants are going to be much much bigger than here on Earth. My lucid Astral journeys, so I have been receiving, are serving the purpose of preparing my entire consciousness already for what I am to experience there. I even dedicated two articles to that here, and a few weeks ago I found myself asking in the dream state:" what are going to be the biggest threads on that planet?", and a few days later I ended up in a dungeon teeming with all sorts of insects, and even though I haven't even met a tiniest fraction of insects on Earth, I knew they were not endemic to Earth. And of course I needed to touch them as well to overcome my squeamishness. The insects I have been encountering are highly aggressive, and I feel them with all senses. The good thing though is that the moment they attack me or me bite or sting me, I very quickly wake up, returning into my body. Whenever this happens, after waking up I still have the reverberating feeling on my body areas involved. This is quite tough, because I am virtually as awake in the dream state as in the waking state. But I know this is necessary. Same preparation goes for high altitudes, because on that planet high mountain ranges are also being populated, similar to Bolivia in South America.
In a sense, it is no wonder that I very much like carnivorous plants so much. They too are going to be much much bigger than on Earth and will deal with those insects.

I don't have these Astral experiences dealing with insects every day but every here and then I need to face this to acclimate more. ;)

One of my my favorite comments so far. You sound like me.
I a frequently in otherworldly realms where I interact with unique insect species. Many even in humoid form. There are entire planets/planned nets. One I even crash landed on was covered in a web-like material, there they were cloning human beings and using the sheep-like results as worker slaves.
There is much going on, our lifetime really is full of infinite possibilities.

This is the closest I've been to a bug, I have terror, disgust. I do not know how I dared to read this, well actually I covered the hahaha pictures with my hands but you know the enemy you have to know it well lol

I’m proud of you for finding the courage to read this blog. I know it is a bit frightening, but it is also very informative.
Now you know to avoid these insects in real life at all costs.

Excelent post @daltono! These bites seem terrible! I have had only two experiencies with insects and bites, both of them when I was riding my motorbike. The first one was one day that I was descending a mountain pass and a wasp, I don't know how, went into my helmet. At that moment I experienced fear in its purest form. I had to held my breath and stopped the motorbike on the side of the road. I managed to take the helmet off and fortunately the wasp went far away of me.
The second time I had an encounter with a flying devil I wasn't so lucky as the first one. It was one sunny day, I was enjoying the landscape and a honeybee went into my sweatshirt, at first I didn't notice, but I stopped the motorbike to take a picture of the landscape with my cell phone and I realized that something was flying inside my sweatshirt. PANIC!, would be a fly, a bee, a wasp? Unfortunately moments later I felt the sting nailing in my arm. I must tell that it hurt, but I thought that the pain would be much stronger.


I’ve had a wasp get in my car before while I was driving. But in a bike helmet, that sounds like a nightmare for sure. I’ve also had a bee sting me inside of my shirt before. Not fun.

I have taken a whole day reading and watching these videos because after every video, i'd pose for 2-3 hrs to gain strength for the next one.people are crazy adventurous in this world.. whaaattt?????wow
I cringed, especially with the last video with the blood sucking parasites..

Yea I’d say Coyote is pretty crazy/adventurous. I’m glad you were able to remain composed and learn so much 😁

while i cant bare the pain of a bee sting..

Wow this is nuts. I can’t imagine subjecting oneself to intense purposeful sting from any of these things.

Coyote Peterson is BRAVE and WILD, to bear that pain for 24 hours is crazy lol I laughed when the camera guy asked if he needed water.
The bullet ant is a bad one !

Yea I love Coyote Peterson, his YouTube channel is very informative and high quality. Brave and Wild are perfect words for him. There is some funny moments for sure.
I would almost rather take an actual bullet rather than get stung by a bullet ant.

Yeah thankfully we have brave one like that, for being able to experiment for us...

I got my finger stung with wasp last week . And ma whole hand cant move cause its damn painfull .

It’s crazy how such a small thing can cause such large pain to the giants that are humans.

they look very small but the the capacity to cause you lot of pain and trouble

Don’t let their size fool you. Under a microscope you can see their true appearance.


Let me say, your post scare me a lot. I haven't been bitten by even a wasp in my life, and don't want to! I'm too allergic, I don't even want to imagine how it would be!

Very good, very easy to navigate, and very scary!

How do you know you are allergic if you have never been stung before?
Wasps sting by the way.

They actually are pretty harmless, even this big ones. Unless you get in their nesting area, or come at them in a disrespectful manner. They do fly around me a lot, but I have only been stung only a few times in my life.

Well, normally an allergic person has a stronger reaction to any bite. I'm an allergic person since i was little, to some kind of food, if I touch something that was recently fumigate,I may have a reaction too.

If a mosquito bites me, I have a stronger reaction than a normal person. In my purse I always have anti allergic pills, just in case!

I am scary of bees, wasp, any of that kind of insects for that reason. I don't even want to imagine how my body will react to any of them.

I understand. Those are good reasons to be concerned.

;) have a blessed day!

Look at how big the teeth of that warrior wasp is. By just looking at it, I know it will really hurt!

Well, it actually doesn’t use those teeth to attack. It uses its massive stinger which releases venom.

Haha! Yeah you're right! I forget it has stinger.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Omg those are scary... Getting bitten by red ants is painful enough, what more if it's an ant that size? oh my.

I would never want to get bitten by big ants like that ever. Or any of the other ants that bit him.

I would really hope these big ones didn’t get you either.
Some ants may bite, but these big guys sting with their stinger.

Yeah I mean getting stung too. I wouldn't let myself be stung by those even if someone paid me a million dollars. 😂

I found this post very educative. Thank you sharing

I appreciate you soaking up the knowledge.

Haha...y' won't believe if i tell y' my best enemy back then when i was a kid was won't believe how this little guys terrorise my life. Most annoying as y' said is that most ants sting stay for a whole day. Mine was terrific because i wouldn't stop crying, imagine that little creature beating me...haha, lol. I enjoyed your post. This ants re quite available in my area. Crazy creatures though...

I do believe you. I am sure you have feisty ants in Nigeria. Very hard to deal with. The most of my worries come from having to deal with them trying to steal my fruit on the countertop in the kitchen. re right...but don't blame them, they gat to eat too and God created them to be fed by Nice experience anyway

Very true. Everything deserves to live, that is how we achieve world balance.

Yeah man...hope everyone think this way...appreciate you man...

I hated bees it made me swollen

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i was bitten once in the neck by a big wasp (any of the mentioned above) and it was painful af and i actually got dizzy. I can't imagine how painful one of this creatures can be

I know right! Wasps can sting multiple times, which makes them far worse to be stung by than a bee.

Killer content😞😞 and thanks for the information

These all sound awful! To be honest I thought a wasp sting sounded terrible!

It is an informative article on most painful insect bites. Also the presentation is amazing!

Thank you very much. I try to make sure all of my posts have a unique layout.

Tipuvote! 0.4 :)

This is absolutely crazy!

falta algo no se como se llama pero en mi país es algo asi como hormigas rojas y cuando te pican de dejan un chichon :'v y duele muchisimo

una pregunta no soy tan nuevo ya tengo tiempo de estar en steemit pero ¿como haces para poner las letras así :v?

I am not sure what your question is.

¿as you do to put the letters like that in that position?

I use my iPhone, download a Spanish keyboard plugin. Or just google the character and copy and paste it into your blog.

Ah, thank you very much

Spider vs ant wow cool

your determinations and smartness marches parallelly, i really love your idea and your post as well. Anyway, i am new here and i want you to help me out in finding my way through. Nice post anyway

Thank you for the kind words. Welcome to Steemit. We are happy to have you here.

Check out my other post about my 20 favorite Steem tools

Lol this guys is seriously entertain to watch how excited he gets over stuff hahaha enjoyed it though and the graphics look amazing for each of the insects this was really well done!

He really is!
I love his personality.
Thanks a lot for the positive words, I’m glad you enjoy my design skills.

man im sooo Following you!

Very interesting content. Those insects are both beautiful...and scary.

Thank you for this content! I'm looking forward to more cool stuff from you @daltono.

I agree, we can find beauty in some of the most terrifying things.

Thank you Anne. I’m going to follow you to! I you seem like a very nice person & I love watching pole experts such as yourself. I enjoy practice with aerial hammocks/silks. You may see some of that in my posts.

Really? That's cool daltono. I tried silks once and I got friction burned. haha! didn't do it again. And my heart is more in to aerial hoops and pole. Okay im going to check your posts <3

Well even with aerial hoops and pole, you may really benefit from using this product :

It makes your hands feel like Spider-Man, and keeps them from sliding or getting friction burns.

Cool I wanna be like Spiderman! hmm leme check if it ships to the Philippines

Maybe you can find it someplace that ships to your beautiful country. I think there is probably severe amazon sellers with the Sam product. You will love it, I’m still on my first can and have been using it for almost a year now. It is great!

yes noted. and I can't wait to try it <3 Many Thanks @daltono!

This is an awesome piece. The content was great and the videos were awesome. Can't wait to see more like this!

I'm glad you enjoyed my hard work.

successful friends, let's exchange vout by way of mutual visit to our blog each @zuhrafriska

That's dangerous..

Congratulations @daltono!
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Hola daltono,

Did you ever gotten bitten by any of the above mentioned insects?

I just got starting a couple days ago pesky chigger bites looks like on my forearm.

I blogged about it in Steemit.....take a look.

Good day.

¡Buenas tardes!

No, thankfully I have not came across any of these insects before. All insect bites are annoying though, so I feel your pain; even if it is not quite as painful as these three.

Care to provide a link to that blog?


These insects are really poisonous. Suicidal pain feels that these insects bite and it may even lead to death.

I find these insects very interesting even though we all know they sting pretty bad. Nice post men, didn't read all throughout the post because I already predicted what is on the list because of Coyote Peterson ;)

I Would not want to meet any of them in a dark alley

or at all...

Cool! We do not have to mess with these creatures :) !

Where are all these insects found?

Where are all these insects found?

I have been stung by bees and wasps as a kid, so I know how painful they are. And because I know how both felt, I could say that being bitten by a small scolopendra felt the same, if not more painful.

But I guess the psychological effect of seeing such a scary-looking creature with so many legs made it feel more painful than it really was.

That said, I don't want to know how painful the bite of a bigger specimen would be. I've caught a few that were over 8 or 9-inches long. I'm from the Philippines, and the creature I'm referring to is the Scolopendra subspinipes.

i think i could not stand a single sting from those monsters

These creatures look so scary. I am happy these kind of creatures are not as large as humans.

that bullet ant is so so painful :(

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment