Herbs from my own garden...ASTRAGALUS.

in nature •  7 years ago 

Astragalus membranaceus
Parts used: Root
Properties/Actions: Adaptogenic, immunomodulating, cardiotonic, antitumor, diuretic, hypotensive, anti-
Benefits: Strengthens the body as a general immune tonic, especially if taken over long periods of time.
Balances the energy of all organs, increases energy, supports digestion.
Astragalus is very beneficial for any individuals suffering from wasting or exhausting diseases.
Suggested uses: Tincture, decoction, capsules.
Growing, harvesting, and wild crafting tips and specifics: Perennial. Grows well in full sun or partial
shade. Prefers dry, sandy soil. Start from divided root, or seed.
If starting from seed, freeze the seeds for 21 days, then scarify them with fine sandpaper. Start indoors in
late winter, after soaking the seeds for a day or two. Transplant into the garden in spring after danger of
Protect well with mulch of leaves or straw or hay for the winter.
Cautions: May be contraindicated with medicines that suppress the immune system.
In Chinese medical terms, astragalus builds up the protective chi. Imagine that there is a protective shield around your body, just
below the surface of the skin, that keeps out cold and other external influences. It vitalizes the non-specific immune defenses and
wards off infections. This is the protective chi, and astragalus is the premier herb in Chinese herbalism to strengthen it.
—Paul BergnerScreenshot_20170703-170136.png

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Beautiful herb ...i will order grow some today.