
in nature •  7 years ago 

In our garden we have a Jaboticabeira, a tree that produces a delicious almost black berry with the name jaboticaba. It is a special tree because it is cauliflore, which means that the fruits grow directly on the trunk and the thick branches. A full-grown tree is covered with fruits from the roots to the top.


Our tree is still young, about four years and it has less fruits than an older tree. The fruits are soft and white from the inside and they have a delicious sweet taste. It is very popular in Brasil.


By @eagleye

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Jaboticaba. , Delícia.!!

Lembro de catar jaboticaba na casa da minha avó lá na roça quando era pequena! :)

Hello @eaglege,
Looks like we have similar interests.
I look forward to tasting the jaboticaba fruit. They dont flower do they?
Looks a lot like a fig but bigger fruit. Is the inside like a mangosteen? Can you show me a picture of the inside?
Can't wait to get to Brazil in 2018, what time of the year do you suggest?

Die vrucht ken ik (nog) niet, maar als het een zoete vrucht is, dan zal ik ze zeker lekker vinden. Brasil staat nog op m'n reis-wens-lijstje, dus zal ik ze wel eens direct van de boom kunnen plukken.
Het lijkt me trouwens een spektakel als een wat oudere boom vol vruchten staat.