Chemtrails killed the honey-bees

in nature •  9 years ago 

A few years ago I made a short documentary connecting the chemtrails with the disappearing of the super-important honey-bees that makes it possible to produce fruits and berries. This is what I discovered:

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Clyothidin produced by Bayer.

I love that this post is still trending after 3 weeks. Keep on the good work @fyrstikken!

interesting topic but poor arguments.
Keep up the awareness still.
Manners and respect

No, bees die because of mono-cultures.
Since Capitalism cultivates only one type of bee, namely the common honey bee,
this one is much more likely to be attacked by pests, parasites, bacteria, fungus, viral diseases.
See here:

Nature was smart enough to create multiple types of bees in order to be less vulnerable.
We diminished most of them.
Not everything is a conspiracy. Most problems are just pure stupidity/ideology
and lacking respect of nature. Nature is a system.

Always with the conspiracies. Bee colonies are dying off because of mites.

Here is one of the first solutions.

finally sense! bee's are also being killed by pesticides sprayed on the ground. Not by planes at 35,000ft not to mention the dispersion in the air from that height rendering any amount of chemical useless. 1 part per 50,000,000 is harmless. Its crazy to consider an elite of people spraying themselves aswell. You couldn't spray the entire planet with chemicals without having an effect on yourself. Madness.

Yeah it is just madness with how these people think. Plus, these chemicals would have to be refilled at commercial airports and there has yet to be anyone saying they put chemicals in the airplanes.

I know Thermosolar Hive. It is from our country (Czech republic) and now there is an effort to spread the knowledge into the world. Or to crowdfund on Indiegogo and sell to be exact.

It is a really cool technology. I know its a small step in the right direction.

If the keep on spraying with Chemtrails. When the bees breath though there body and when Chemtrails sprayed that means the bee can't breath and die. If all the bees die we won't have any food to eat, No flowers no food. this is very very very Danger's If secret NATO and UN operation they don't stop spraying We Will All Die. A very slow death, We have to have food.
And so do the cow brids. If we don't have grain we die. That's it

Chemtrails is a bullshit. Bee's are dying because we are using pesticides.
It is deadly for bee's, and that is the reason we may have big problem in the future about it.
I hope that someone will be able to solve the situation that have occured.

This is a fact thats happening to bees the world over - too much chemtrailing, pestisides etc - hundred years ago this wasn't a problem, with the onset of global farming and demand , the honey bee and other insects have come under a barrage of chemicals that have had a dramatic effect on there numbers. STOP PESTICIDES IT KILLS YOU AS WELL !!!

Congratulations, is a great post!

Do you like it?:

Well, here is a study.. Shows that tests were done.

Crazy that they don't even mention Geo Engineering though. We have patents on the use of Aluminium for Geo Engineering, man-made nano-sized Aluminium found in the environment and people where spraying occurs.

Nice, glad to see someone else posting conspiracy material on here and doing good! I post a lot of controversial videos and the sheep instantly down vote, before they even watch it. I'll keep posting Truth no matter what though! You give me hope!

Chemtrails don't exist dude. Source: Self, PhD in Chemistry. Honey bees may be killed by chemical pesticides and other sorts of toxic stuff sprayed on plants, as well as changing climate conditions. However chemtrails (as in chemicals dispersed by commercial airliners to control people) do not exist.

Unscientific arguments about an unscientific topic...

I like hearing about conspiracy theories, but remember that it is just entertainment. Sure, a broken clock is right twice a day, but there are a lot of misinformed people that can do damage when the conspiracies take over their lives. Is there more going on with these "chemtrails" than meets the eye? Maybe, but stay inquisitive, and don't believe everything the conspiracy theorists tell you. Keep an open mind and be wary if they start asking you for money...

Chemtrails is a bullshit. Bee's are dying because we are using pesticides.
It is deadly for bee's, and that is the reason we may have big problem in the future about it.
I hope that someone will be able to solve the situation that have occured.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Sorry but NO. Pesticides and monocrop are killing bees. Chemtrails theory is nonsense.

But... thank you for sharing your work. Maybe you can redirect your talent in video producing to something else.

There are plenty of reasons for the decreasing number of bees. A multitude of factors acting together are likely to be responsible for that. It seems to me that chemtrails are not needed to explain this phenomena. But I'm no expert.

Civilization is killing everything. Anyone that claiming to care about Nature yet still using money/private property/government/petroleum, is either uninformed or being hypocritical.

Chemtrails have been around since the dawn of jet propulsion, yet we only started seeing massive die-offs of bee populations (Colony Colapse Disorder) in the past 10 years or so. Even if chemtrails somehow influence bee populations, it stands to reason that they are not the decisive factor behind that drastic population plunge. A much more likely culprit is pesticides such as Monsanto's "Clothianidin", but due to the EPA's and mass media's unwillingness to tackle the issue head on due to the nature of corporate politics, it's hard to differentiate good from bad information out there on this topic.