Jacks Fork River - Exploring Caves - Cave Three (A Monday Hike Part Two)

in nature •  7 years ago 


Entrance to Cave Three

Again, I don't know the names for these caves. They're just along the Jacks Fork River with many, many others caves. You just have to know where to look and be prepared to CLIMB.

This cave was the largest of the caves along the river at the Baucher's access.


Above is an an active stalagmite. Water drips on it almost constantly. It will slowly grow until it touches the stalactite above it, just so long as nobody touches it! The oils from our hands can kill speleothems, cave growths such as stalagmites and stalactites. If you visit a cave, DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!!!

A couple of columns

Columns form when stalagmites and stalactites grow together! These must be very very old.


Willie Nelson has no trouble going into caves with me. He goes kayaking with me and follows me wherever I go, even into deep, dark holes in the ground.


More growing stalagmites.


Above are soda straws. They are very delicate stalactites that are hollow in the middle. Mineral rich water drips through the straw. Leaving behind mineral particles that build up over time.


More soda straws.


Another stalagmite.


@jakeimnotshure and I also saw this awesome little salamander! He was so quick, it was hard to get photos of him, especially in low light.

Part Three of the @jakeimnotshure and I's hike is next! Stay tuned!

Hike Part One

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I didn't know that touching a stalagmite would mess it up, I'll have to remember that. Those soda straws are pretty cool!