NYC's Hidden Marine Wonderland Revealed in New Map

in nature •  8 years ago 

A new map produced by the New York Aquarium and National Geographic reveals the biodiversity teeming off the city's shores. The map shows the New York Bight, a 16,000-square-mile (41,440 square kilometers) area of the Atlantic where whales, sharks, sea turtles and squid ply the depths.

Among the rarest denizens of the New York Bight is the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). There are likely only about 500 of these behemoths (they weigh up to 79 tons, or 72 metric tons) left in the world, according to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

"The map highlights the movements of one of the most endangered whales on the planet, the North Atlantic right whale, as it moves through New York's waters," Howard Rosenbaum, the director of the Wildlife Conservation Society's Ocean Giants Program, said in the statement. "Hopefully, this will help draw attention to the needs of this and other species so close to our shores."

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Pakistani kaitseminister ütles eile, et Washingtonis ei ole Washingtoni ülesanne rahuldada USA-d ja lisas, et tema valitsus Washingtoni vahelisel ajal "ümber hindab", ütles Pakistani meedia.
"Oleme siin, et anda oma seisukoht loogiliselt ja tõenditena. Me selgitame oma positsiooni, kuid meie jaoks ei pea me neid rahuldama," ütles Pakistanis kaitseminister Khurram Dastgir Khan.
Ameerika Ühendriikide vaheliste sidemete "ümberhindamine" on eelmise kuu USA presidendi tulemus, milles kritiseeritakse üha enam Pakistani "terroriohuohtlike varjupaikade paigutamise eest".

De Pakistani ferdigening-minister sei fan justysje dat Washington net yn 't wurk fan Washington wie om de Feriene Steaten te befredigjen en te foarkommen dat syn regear "Washington" en Washington "werombroegje", sei de Pakistyske media.
"Wy binne hjir om ús posityf foar te stellen en as bewiis." Wy ferklearje ús posysje, mar wy moatte har net befredigje, "sei Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan yn Pakistan.
De "weryndieling" fan 'e links tusken' e Feriene Steaten is it gefolch fan 'e ferline jier fan' e Amerikaanske presidint, dy't in protte krityk oan 'e Pakistani' s "terroristyske bedrigingen efter de skermen set".

looks like steem compressed the image. here's the full size image