Happy snowing morning.

in nature •  7 years ago 

Moore snow.

Wake up to to a snowing weather today. During the night is has come 30 cm with snow. Luckily I have a good neighbor helping with cleaning the snow.









Best regards from the snowy country, North Norway.


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i think,,,,,,,,,its the storm of snow morning..........how capture the photo,,,,,,,with this weather............its a great play of nature.......all the best......

Thank you abontika. Some days are like that in the north, have a nice weekend :)

It does help make beautiful photos!

Thank you melinda, yes it helps with nice photographing :)

good photography

Thank you gohain :)

Winter does not want to retreat, we are also very cold today, usually this time of year is 15 degrees Celsius, and today the temperature is below zero degrees...

Thank you for comments iren. How is the weather situation now, warmer?

sometimes we want to feel how cold it is, that's what comes to our minds because in our place is now dry season and its weather is very hot, thanks and warm regards always from us.

Thank you good-friend for nice words. "cold" regards from the north :)

looks beautiful and like a lot of work. Would still like to experience what falling snow is like.

Nice photos enjoy the white.

Thank you sanddrift, yes annoying work but now we have warmer days in front and the snow will start melting :)

Great pictures!
I remember seeing folks with t-shirts and shorts in northern Norway when the temperature reached +12.
I can understand why!

Thank you for comments, yes 12 degree is not so bad temperature :)

Cool pictures :D

Thank you Helle :)

White is beauty.... happy snowing morning...

Thank you prova :)