Proud mountains and a little river.

in nature •  7 years ago 

Autumn in the north.

The nature preparing for the winter. Last years snow is melted on the peaks. In not so many days the peaks will be white. On the way to work I pass these mountain areas. Today it was nice weather, I had to stop for picturing.











*In the autumn of northern Norway.
Best regards


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Hello nervniymen, thanks for comment. Yes, it a great place at these time of the year :)

I’m a bit jealous you have mountains in there, Finland is so flat compared to Norway!

Mountains are definitely a boon for photographers. They are beautiful and because they are big they can be seen from far away. Their color varies according to how far they are which makes it easy to create a sense of depth to a photo.

Thanks eve for commenting. Only one thing to do, travel west :)

An easy solution, one would think! 😅

Wonderful nature view ! Nice sharing. I love your nature photography. Wish you a happy life dear.

Thanks Fatima for nice comments :)

Truly the nature of our world and beautiful

Agree with you, thanks for comment :)