Unusual rain - rain of fish, spiders, silver coins...

in nature •  7 years ago  (edited)

I've always loved encyclopedias, I constantly looked at the atlas and loved nature. Natural phenomena are especially attracted to me. I like to read about them and understand the way they are created. I already wrote about the desert rose and the singing dunes. This time I will write to you about the unusual rain of flightless animals and objects that suddenly fall from the sky.

Rain of animals

Rain of flightless animals have been recorded throughout history in many countries. This rare meteorological phenomenon has always confused people, especially superstitions one.


Mostly aquatic creatures fall from the sky, mainly fish and frogs. In recent history, this rain has been recorded in Ethiopia and India, but is most common in Honduras. In fact, in Honduras, the lluvia de peces (rain of fish), also known as aguacero de pescado, is a regular annual phenomenon. Every May or June, once and twice a year, the Yoro department after heavy rains and storms, hit the rain of small silver fish. For the inhabitants of town Yoro this phenomenon is a real joy, so since 1998 they organized a festival Festival de Lluvia de Peces.

Rain of frogs was recorded for the first time 209 years before the new era in Greece, then in 1345 in Alsace, France. In England, in the Worcester, edible shells fell from the sky. Rain of jellyfish was falling in England in the 19th century, and rain of worms was recorded in Louisiana in 2007.


One of the most creepy rain that ever fell was the rains of the spiders. This photo of spiders falling from the sky was photographed on April 6, 2007 in Salta Province, Argentina. Spiders rain are also recorded in Brazil and Australia. This phenomenon is explained by the "technique of dispersal". Namely, one of the causes of rainfall is when spiders use their silk as a parachute to capture the wind and change their location.

Rain of objects

It has been recorded several times when various objects and things have fallen like rain. So, for example, in a Spanish village wheat fell from the sky, in Germany branches fell, and in Switzerland underwear.

The most interesting case occurred in the then Gorkovskaya region (today's Nizhny Novgorod) of the USSR in 1940 in the village of Mešćari, when a large number of silver coins, minted at the end of the 16th century, fell from the clouds. Joyous students collected about 1,000 coins.

Scientific explanation

Although there is still no concrete evidence, this phenomenon is most likely caused by strong winds, storms, tornadoes or waterspout, which pick up animals or objects, carry in the higher layers of the troposphere, and after a while they fall to the ground like rain. It happens that the animals are alive, falling from the bright skies in the regions in whose vicinity no storms have been recorded.


Nature constantly surprises us with miracles and reminds us that we live on a unique planet. Although I have the impression that we often forget about it.

I hope you liked my little review on this interesting topic.
See you soon with new interesting topics!

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Bravo @ladysnowhite, lepo je videti da stizes da pises :) I interesantna tema sa recimo zaista logicnim objasnjenjem..

Hvala ti @jungwatercolor :) Uživam u ovim temama. Uspem da ukradem malo vremena za sebe, hvala bebi što je dobra :)

Interesantna tema ;) Sto kaze Zika : Sreca tvoja sto ne lete krave po drvecu :D

Само мало стрпљења, @invazijaleptira, клима је тек почела да се мења :)

Uveliko :) Mada je na ovim prostorima već zabeležena kiša riba u Bijeljini. Ali svedoci smo tornada i pijavica u Vojvodini, tako da ko zna šta može da nam se obije o glavu @lighteye:)

Da, da, ko zna sta ce sve da pada :D samo da ne padamo i mi :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Што је држава напреднија, то јој свашта пада. У Америци већ сад рутински лете краве и трактори:

Само треба да се нађеш на правом месту и покупиш :)

Hahaaha, da, stvarno u Americi svasta ima, mi smo jos uvek na dobrom podneblju :)

Jeste @invazijaleptira :) Možda budemo svedoci neke nove kiše, na primer šljiva, ako još uvek ima onoliko stabala koliko piše u knjizi naše profesorke MIle :D

Hehehe, nase omiljene profesorke :D :D :D

Koliko sam je učila znala sam i koliko izvozimo gume za đon :D A stabala šljiva mislim da je bilo 15 miliona :D

Ово кад рибе падају… треба спремити тигањ а не кишобран, @ladysnowhite ;)

Tanjiraču i kotliić @lighteye :D


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