RE: Love & Birth - Nature & Grace - Trees Of Life!

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Love & Birth - Nature & Grace - Trees Of Life!

in nature •  8 years ago 


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Bisa bahasa indonesia ya?

Iya!!! Masih cukup!

Tolong upvote saya dong, dan tolong bimbing saya mengenai steemit ini saya masih kurang faham

Waduh jangan "mengemis upvote" @maghfiratunnisa , cukup sering vote dan komentar di lamannya mamma, pasti beliau akan vote balik. (ouuch...! Do not beg for vote @maghfiratunnisa. Just enough give comment and vote regularly for mamma page, she will give vote for you.)

Terimakasi to clarify and teach

Terimakasih atas sarannya