in nature •  6 years ago 

Stunned Dove who just flew into this window. It stayed there in one spot all morning. Right after I took this close-up it flew to a yonder tree branch. There it stayed till three in the afternoon when I went out to get the mail.




There is an imprint on the window where it hit. Doesn't show good in this picture. Shows where the birds head hit and the outline of it's body as a circle around the head mark.


The survivor....


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Poor things some dont make it from such impacts, it scares the hell out of me when they hit a window and you hear that loud bang @manorvillemike

The louder the sound when they hit, the more likely it will be fatal.

Oh no...I hope he is ok.

Seemed find. When I went out I heard it make its dove call as it flew off.

I try to never wash my windows so the birds can see them. At least that's what I tell my mother-in-law.

It is a shame so many birds meet their end this way.

Poor thing must have gotten the wind knocked out of him. Doves are one of my favorite birds and I am glad that he is OK. Love the photos. : )

Most don't make it around here.

Poor dude better watch out for hawks in that condition.

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He/she was lucky ...

Nice, scenic place Brother Mike - hopefully this little fella learned a valuable life lesson and is none-the-worse-for-wear! Thank you good sir for the kind re-steem! ~ B'Lance

I was surprised it hung around so long.