Cliff & Creek | Courting the Wilds

in nature •  7 years ago  (edited)

One of the key features that drew us to this land was the wild water.


It's continually amazing that water cycles through the porous aquifers of the rocky Ozarks, seeping out from countless springs. We're blessed enough to have one of these springs on our land, plus our western edge is a cliff edge with a creek at the bottom.


Luci investigating as our spring (water you see from this vantage point) meets the spring-fed creek.

We were prioritizing a piece of land with wild water on it and crossing our fingers for a spring. Land can get pricier with a checklist like that, but we found some! Walking down our hill to the water always feels like walking into another world. And it truly is; we enter in a world that is much bigger than ourselves, one over which we have no control (and don't want any). We've left over 3/4 of our land wild to do what it will.


Wild water.

Each time I come down here, I am reminded of the vast age of this area. The rocks are so big and so ancient looking. The waterway changes each time it floods and trees get displaced and gravel bars moved, yet large rocks like this don't budge.


This waterway has changed drastically in the 3 years we have lived here. When we first came it was a lot wider and now the gravel bar has filled up a large portion of it. It changed a lot even in the last two weeks!


It's always hilarious to see how Luci immediately goes and lays in the water when we go to the creek. She plops on her belly and laps it up, sometimes thrusting her head into the water to try to catch the little fish.


As we go down to the creek, this view is always nourishing to me. The dark from the forest's canopy invigorates me in ways only the wild can. It calls me forth to STOMP!


As we walk through the creek, we look up at the cliff edge of rocky outcropping. I don't believe humans can "own" land, but it is amazing that we get to live here in relation with this place and even protect it. We're very grateful.


These next shots are views of the cliff side that I took today while on a walk.



Still life. I'm always amazed at the beautiful texture of this rock.




We reach the end of the creek and see the bridge. During flooding this bridge often gets overtaken by the water. When the 100 year flood happened last spring, there was even the broken body of a sycamore dragged atop it. A neighbor of ours pulled it off.




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Yes, the presence of water in one's private outdoor spaces is so magical. I just discovered some dug trenches (I think called arroyos) near my new place and look forward to the snow melt filling them with rushing waters.

You're so lucky to have flowing water this time of year. And that your dog actually likes getting in it. I can't get my dog to do more than lapping it up from the shore when she's hot. 🙂

very cool! what a special time when the water is flowing in the desert.

:) it's hard to keep luci out of the water. we are very very lucky. we picked this area for its abundance of wild water. for homesteading in the way we are, we didn't want to struggle with water (after living in taos with 9 inches of rain a year-- compared to our over 50 in, this became very apparent).

loved hiking and camping near the rio grande when we lived in northern new mexico. a very special waterway itself! we loved this area:, perhaps you and your pup will too! how's your back by the way?

I’m finally better! Though being really careful to stay that way as I unpack!


:) <3 <3 <3 blessings!!!

Everything seems so magical! Would love to be there, feel that sensation, breathe that fresh air.. I can feel peace while watching your photos. Thank you for sharing them with us..

<3 thank you so much. i am happy to hear you had a peaceful feeling while looking at these photos. nature is truly healing <3

Beautiful. I grew up in Colorado so a lot of time I forget what's further south. This makes me want to visit.

ah colorado is so beautiful as well! my sister and brother in law are moving there and i'm excited to visit to enjoy that particular beauty! yes, the south has its own beauty, full of the wet, moist, muggy, humid (need i say more ?! ;)) roadrunner, deep holler, thick accent, wild water type :)

I am glad you found such a beautiful piece of land with such amazing water and geological features. Lovely post.

<3 thank you! we are thankful too to enjoy it, care for it and leave it be.

Beautiful! You are fortunate to live in such a place surrounded by the wonders of nature and bonus of not having to worry about water!
I chose to live in the Boreal forest close to a Canadian National Park. I go to the cities for my goods but I am always happy to return, my mind becoming peaceful once I reach the forest.
I love the abundance here and cherish my walks in the woods!
We are blessed!

we are certainly so fortunate.

I go to the cities for my goods but I am always happy to return, my mind becoming peaceful once I reach the forest

i so hear this; it's how i feel too. little infusions of the city for some needs and also sometimes for fun dancing are really all i desire of it. it often leaves me feeling tired/drained.

here's to cherishing these walks in the woods. definitely blessed! thanks <3

So beautiful! the water is so clear and cold! Luci, Luci...I'm sure the water feels amazing on her tummy! Love those cliffs, everything does change with the rains doesn't it, interesting ox

yes, you walked these with us early on! it has changed so much since then. literally each time it floods, the direction and shape of the creek changes. so so beautiful. love you!

Very pretty creek. And Luci has it right :) Enjoy the cool spring water. Enjoy what nature presents no questions asked and no hesitation.
I love to watch nature over time. We went fishing to the same place in southern Colorado each summer for several years. I loved returning to the same sections of streams and seeing how they had changed.

No questions, no hesitations. Love it. It is a joy to see water over time To more deeply and fully appreciate it.

I certainly do enjoy the clear cool water, a real blessing during these hot Summers.

Lovely insight into some of our land @mountainjewel. I can see why you love it.

This surprised me:

This waterway has changed drastically in the 3 years we have lived here.

I wonder if it will return to where it was or whether it will keep moving in one direction.

The beaches here change dramatically every winter. But the council brings in a bulldozer every spring to return the pebbles to the beach that have landed on the prom, or move them along to other beaches to even them out a bit.

I love seeing how much each beach changes. 😊

I suppose the water is an ever shifting mosaic, working in cycles larger than I can perceive. I don't think it will ever never be the same again. Perhaps that's the biggest lesson water offers.

I think what you mention is something similar they do here. Moving the gravel with machines each year. Then water shifts and they do it again. Humans can be so funny sometime soon in search of domesticating wild landscapes.

oh wow! This is such a place of beauty. You've discovered a truly a magical place to call home. I love that you are leaving much of the land untouched and agree that we can't really "own" this land - we just have the good fortune to live on it and protect it.

We are truly blessed with a beautiful home. Yes, we must respect we're just visiting and that many others have been here longer than us. No need to follow the common trend of dozing the land and planting grass. We must speak for the trees through our actions.

The concept of owning still trips me out, but I'd rather Own and steward than forsake control over a small piece of land...

This is great information to share. What a dream to have this living land to experience. Rivers transcend this reality, able to cleanse and wash away far more than we can see and feel, to leave things renewed.

I get to work in a line of work dealing with updating maps from aerial photography. The waterways have the most transforming affect, moving mountains great distances.

So true! Water has such a profound shape on us And landscapes. That is cool you work with maps, I'm sure you see so much of the bigger picture.

The waterways are one major reason we moved here and I couldn't agree with you more. The constant movement, moment by moment shifts within a stable form reminds me of just how ever changing life is. Rivers certainly do move, cleanse, liberate and renew!

You live in such a beautiful place! Xx thanks for sharing. That water looks lovely.. do you swim There?

hell yeah we swim here! this was the creek we bathed in for the first couple years:) the waterways change so much our swimming holes keep changing, but that doesn't matter too much! crystal clear spring fed water! yehaw! xxxx

That's so AWESOME... we used to live by a chalk bottomed stream whrn we lived in our truvk in England and I loved bathing in there with the trout and dragonflies and willows.

Your walk is beautiful. To have water flow right on your property is such a blessing. The trees that are growing right on the rock is truly amazing. There are so many different plants. Some thrive growing out of the side of a rock. Nature is so amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your walk. :)

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