Sponsor a tree for future generations !!

in nature •  8 years ago  (edited)

Community Carbon Trees Costa Rica is a Costa Rica non-profit association that works to reforest old cattle farms owned by Costa Ricans bordering fragmented pieces of rainforest to achieve the maximum amount of environmental benefits.


The economic challenges faced by the folks are addressed by paying them for seed collecting and production of saplings which we buy, paying them for planting and required maintenance of the trees 4 times a year for 4 years.

Then we assist the families with advice on sustainably managing their growing forest and allow them to keep proceeds and fruits from trees which need to be thinned as part of the forest management.

Communities learnt he value of leaving the last rare tree standing as it gives them seeds to produce baby trees which generate better long term income year after year rather than illegally cutting down the last tree. Seeing the trees growing on their own land inspires the neighbors to participate in our program.

Reforesting steep hillsides helps us to reconnect fragmented pieces of rainforest which in turn builds biological corridors for preservation of flora and fauna. Borders of rivers and water springs are planted with appropriate native species to preserve potable water supplies deep in the Earth.

The rain or hydro cycle is repaired and maintained healthy through transpiration of water by trees. Erosion and landslies are prevented. Carbon Dioxide is captured in maximum levels by the Equator and rich oxygen is produced to cool our planets rising temperatures.

Products such as medicine and food and sustainable lumber are generated. Children are inspired through hands on Education through or KIDS NATURE DAYS and regular visits to rural schools as well as schools around the globe. Sponsoring a tree costs just $25. http://www.communitycarbontrees.org

Please help us to help ourselves. ( we accepte donation in Bitcoin here too )

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Thank you!!!!


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