What Water to drink (part 2)

in nature •  7 years ago 

What water to drink (PART 2) ?

So now I would like to explain practically how to drink alive clean water.
The first step is definitely to filter it as well as you can. Reverse osmosis requires electricity, but will filter all particles and bacteria. The water will remain at about 4 ppm, which is fine. Some nasty small virus may go through, but probably not. Candle filters like we use in India, or other developing countries filter only dust and dirt. So it’s pretty useless. UV filters don’t kill all bacteria and virus, it has been proven that many virus survive now UV treatment, as they mutated. Activated charcoal filters are ok for heavy metals and poisons, but don’t kill virus and bacteria. The nano pumps systems with thin membrane are ok, but they get clogged quickly. So, by default, I still recommend a basic reverse osmosis filter, because it’s affordable and pretty efficient. You need to remove physical poisons from the water first.

Of course, a lot of fancy filters exist, that clean, dynamise water. You can see some names in the comments of the first post. But I don’t advertise any of them. Check it out by yourself.

Second step is to erase the previous memories of the water. Even after filtering, the water will keep in its memory all the poison informations. In Homeopathy, we understand really well that less is more,that less quantity brings more information.
So a little poison is worse than a lot. Yes, sounds weird if you still believe main stream ignorant science, but it’s a law of Nature. If you don’t believe me, educate yourself before.
In Nature, the way water resets its memories is through vortexes. Spinning according to a Fibonacci spiral. Any whirlpool or vortex you see in a river, when spread flat is a Fibonacci spiral, the same you find in a snail, in flowers, in a galaxy, in the implantation of your hair and so on.
Fibonacci is the divine sequence of giving and maintaining life. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144….
So you want your water to spiral, to spin. For this, magnets are sometimes used to create a vortex. The institute of Victor Schauberger in Austria developed carved caps that you put on a bottle of water. But the easiest, mostly If you are travelling is to bring to the water container a shape that contains Fibonnaci information. For ex, a flower of Life. A two dimensional shape, emits and broadcasts a three dimensional field of energy. So when the water sits or is in contact with it, the spin occurs on a subtle level, invisible for the eyes, but real for the molecules.

This will erase memories from water. And bring the divine frequency of Life to it.
Any shape with perfect Fibonacci sequence will do it. Flower of Life is beautiful, easy to find on internet. You just have to print it and stick it to the water filter, tank, or container.


Then you can add more information to the water. Like words, pictures, music, mandalas, symbols, crystals…Like you saw in the pictures of Emoto, the water will react to it.

So to write Harmony, Peace, Gratitude, love, Health…. Will bring new qualities to the water.
If you are sensitive, or if you know how to test, through dowsing (pendulum), energetic kinesiology, bio energy, bio orgonomy, you will feel the difference.

Water is so sensitive. Some attention with Love, some harmonic reinformation is enough. After you remove the physical poisons.

So to resume ;

  1. You filter the water the best you can.
  2. You put it in contact with a vortex, 2 or 3 dimensional (Fibonacci, magnets)
  3. You add more informations that feel good to you

Then you can drink a lot of water… and it will feel amazing!

Try it for gardening, make tests pots and see the difference. Sprout seeds with tap water and alive water and you’ll see !

Give it to your pets, and see which one they prefer.

Play with it, test, experiment….It’s fun, and it’s about your health ! A well hydrated person drinking alive water is never sick.
Another way is to drink Diamond Water, which is a quantum encoded water with more than 30 000 codes. It’s a subject for another post.

Water is a mirror of your consciousness. Whatever information you drink, you become. So pay attention to the informations you drink. Be more present, more aware, more intentional in your life. And observe how things feel and are different. Invite Harmony around you, feel it within you. We become what we pay attention to. That’s another Law.
Surround yourself with Beauty, Joy, Harmonic patterns, and Love.

If you like tattoos, understand that whatever is tattooed will affect your inner water and consciousness every moment of your life. The intention behind it, the energy of the artist do matter, but the design itself will connect you with a morphing field that will become a part of you.

Water can help you raise your awareness. Water requires your awareness. It’s a tool, a portal to all dimensions, and it’s the matrix where we come from, and where we will go back.
Love the water that you are !

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As always interesting. With these insights, would a spiral tattoo be good then?

Isn't it such an interesting idea about the tats? That's why I dropped in to comment and have upvoted yours. What about a Flower of Life tattoo?

My Apalina filter machine has some energetic information from a 12m high Orgon tower integrated under the place where the jug for the filtered water goes into.
Now I am not too much of a believer in those esoteric concepts (or scientific concepts, as some people claim), but I am certainly sensitive enough to taste the difference in my tea and coffee.

Any direct contact between orgone Matrix and water?

Any direct contact between the orgone Matrix and the water?

Don´t think so, because it is more inside the machine under the jug,
but the Lord works in mysterious ways.

I would like to know what you think of a simple sand filter. There is almost no testing results available while some claim it will not let metals through

I remember your design. As sand can contain crystals, mica and charcoal, it can clean stuff for sure. I would say it depends of the sand you use. It's still good if you start with non polluted water. But you live next to one of the highest mercury pollution on earth...So i would not drink it without further filtering... But it's me...lol

we had our water tested.. it had no mercury.. that was in Kodai that has a very different source.. our source is from elsewhere.. quite local

"Water can help you raise your awareness. Water requires your awareness. It’s a tool, a portal to all dimensions, and it’s the matrix where we come from, and where we will go back.
Love the water that you are !"

Yes!!! Another great article, om. Keep them flowing!

Hi Gideon, yes it does require our awareness. If we put a lot of awareness in the water we don't even need tools. I was amazed at the water video I saw that the water that was prayed over had pristine structure and healing power.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very nice! i reaLLY like this post!
I do use a reverse osmosis / UV / Charcoal machine.. and i added a mineral box to that to add some minerals.. as i felt that water needed some minerals to restructure nicely.. then i give it some love and gratitude when i pour it.. i never thought of putting the flower of life on the storage.. so i will do that.. and i will make my own as i love drawing the FOL and can even put my own extra full love into that ;-)

thanks om!

Wow! Great post! Very informative for me to choose the best clean water for my body :D