At least 350 oil and chemical spills reported in Louisiana waters after Hurricane Ida

in nature •  3 years ago 


The reported spills in Louisiana are mostly in the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi River and have been linked to broken oil wells, damaged oil wells and flooded refineries.

Interesting article about the ongoing environmental damage from Hurricane Ida. It's a shame that there aren't tougher rules about leaving old rigs and pipelines in nature to rot, maybe pulling up the equipment that isn't being used would have less effect on the environment. The one example of the old pipeline that leaked out the oil that remained in it, well that was going to happen at some point anyway, that's not right, pull up your equipment, return the area to the way you found it, it's common sense to me.....

Read the full story here...

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We need cheap clean energy, the tech on this needs to hurry up

Yeah, no one likes to see the dirty side of the oil business

Especially the sea, lol