Desert Conservatory at the New Mexico Biopark

in nature •  6 years ago 

The counterpart to the heavenly Mediterranean Conservatory at the New Mexico Biopark’s Botanical Gardens is the equally fascinating Desert Conservatory.

Both share the same roof of this strange geodesic structure, but couldn’t be further from each other in looks. While the Mediterranean garden is beautiful in it’s green lushness, this desert garden’s beauty lies in the otherworldly quality that these strange plants possess, in the striking beauty of the perseverance of life in even the most harsh environments.

Despite what you may think, it’s not all prickly plants and dirt. The desert landscape supports a variety of plant life. From yucca palms to palo verde, from thick succulents in a variety of colors to multi-blossomed Christmas cactus, color is all around the desert.

The temperature controlled room showcases flora from many deserts: the Sonoran, Chihuahuan Baja and more.

Having grown up in the desert, I’m no stranger to the intimidating and delicate nature of this strange ecosystem, and I thought this green house did a marvelous job of showcasing the beauty that blossoms up unexpectedly from the desert floor.

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