Cherry Tomatoes

in nature •  6 years ago 


Tidak ketahuan bakal ada buah nya, karena sebulan kemarin ditinggalin. Cuma ada seminggu dirumah. Mendapati pohon nya mulai mengering bagian bawah, karena tidak disiram setiap hari. Alhamdulillah buah nya kuat dan mulai memerah.

Saya sangat bersyukur sekali, Kali ini tidak ada hama. Kalau ada kegiatan di luar melang banget sama tanaman, karena tidak ada yang siram. Kebetulan husband juga lagi diluar pulau.


Not found out there would be a fruit of his, because a month ago ditinggalin. There's only a week at home. Finding the tree begins to dry the bottom, because it is not watered every day. Alhamdulillah the fruit is strong and start to blush.

I am very grateful, This time there is no pest. If there are activities outside the same way to the plant, because no one flush. Incidentally husband is also again outside the island.

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@rinadewi nice photo

Healthy fruit&also beautiful photography

It look delicious!
