Badai di PKA hari ini. / Hurricane in PKA today

in nature •  7 years ago  (edited)
Jam 4 siang tadi mendung tebal mengurung langit di Banda Aceh. Tepatnya di taman Ratu Safiatuddin tempat dilaksanakannya Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) ke 7 langit yang saat itu biru tiba-tiba berubah menjadi mendung tebal di sertai angin yang sangat kencang. Terlihat jelas awan hitam yang berada diatas tenda pameran membawa hujan besar.

At 4 o'clock this afternoon a thick cloud locked the sky in Banda Aceh. Precisely in the Queen Safiatuddin park where the Aceh Cultural Week (PKA) was held to the 7th sky that was then blue suddenly turned into a thick cloud accompanied by very strong winds. It was clear that the black clouds above the exhibition tent carried heavy rain.



Tidak lama setelah mendung menutupi area pameran hujan dengan deras turun membasahi pameran.

Not long after the clouds covered the exhibition area, the rain rained down heavily on the exhibition


Angin yang kencang telah merobohkan beberapa tenda dagangan pengikut pameran. Hujan yang turun dengan lebat juga telah membuat air tergenang dimana-mana.

Strong winds have knocked down a number of tents from the exhibition followers. Heavy rain has also made water stagnant everywhere.



Namun sampai saat ini sepengetahuan saya tidak terjadi apa-apa pasca hujan dan angin tadi sore, hanya beberapa tenda saja yang terhempas angin. Hingga malam ini acara pameran tetap berjalan lancar.

But until now my knowledge didn't happen after the rain and wind this afternoon, only a few tents were blown away by the wind. Until this evening the exhibition event continued to run smoothly.

Demikian postingan saya kali ini, terimakasih telah membaca blog saya dan sampai jumpa.

So my post this time, thank you for reading my blog and see you later.

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Semoga badai nya cepet berhenti dan tidak terjadi musibah lagi