When water recedes back to the sea !!

in nature •  8 years ago 

The movement of a water mass on earth creates high and low tide.
Low tide is called when water recedes back to the sea.A wide sea bed, you can enjoy walking, feel the fine sand as your foot touches the ground, there’s a lot of species you will encounter like star fish, small crabs, a group of tiny blue crabs, small fishes, prawns, hermit crabs, birds, sea snails, sea cucumber,sea shells and more. One kilometer more from shore line theres a wide part of coral reefs you don’t need to dive and wet your whole body , you are free to stroll by your foot just be sure to wear shoes or slipper(coral reefs are sharp ).You would enjoy seeing different shape and color of coral reefs( sorry I don’t have a photo to show you,better next time).

Way back to my childhood days, I used to go here I love collecting sea shells. Doing that isn't easy, you need a sharp eyes and techniques to catch them. Most of them under the sand, in a watery part of the sea bed theres a sign of light bubbling of water because they releases air but you need to move slowly it fades easily when they detect your movement.And sometimes you need to dig by your bare hands just to catch them..

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