GREENBOOSTER - the new environmental curation project on the steem blockchain

in nature •  5 years ago 

In my humble opinion here on steem good content still does not get the reward and attention it should get and therefor is also not visible and easily accessible.
As my personal focus is on global warming/climate change and renewable energies I want to devote most of my engagement here on steem to this cause.
There are already some curation efforts that could upvote or actually are upvoting sometimes such content, however they are mainly focused towards a natural, off-grid or eco-style of living.

The focus of this service shall be purely about news, information, discussions, projects and solutions in the field of fighting global warming and supporting the roll-out of renewable energies.
In this perspective global warming is set as fact as seen by the overwhelming scientific consensus and e.g. NASA.
I know this is a hot discussed topic - especially by skeptics of the mainstream media that tend to be over proportionally represented on decentralized blogs as the likes of steem, but there are enough groups here on steem emphasizing this "alternative climate facts" so this curation service will be concentrating on upvoting anything that fits into the guardrails of the scientific consensus about man made global warming.

I am willing to kick-start this booster with a delegation of at least 25,000 steempower and am fine to do all the work for the time being. I would however be happy to get some help either by the delegation of some steempower, by active searching, proposing and commenting or even to hand over the voting keys to a dedicated team.

So I am very happy to get your ideas and feedback.

Here are the first points to discuss:
1.) Name of the account/booster:
I secured four accounts:

Which one do you prefer? Or do you have an alternative idea?

2.) Voting behavior
I believe 100% votes make the most sense as they yield the biggest impact vs. many votes with 10% or 20% voting power. So while it might be sometimes a bit like a lottery.. some posts get a 100% reward, others non at all I still believe knowing that you have a chance to get a big reward is better than knowing you get a little reward for sure.
I plan to do a post each day promoting the posts that have been voted for. In the comments section everyone can post new ideas to upvote, if it is his/her own post or the post of another steemian doesn't matter.
Some initiatives like @treeplanter or @cleanplanet could get frequent "backstop" votes on their accounts...
.. as some of the posts in the @ecotrain tag will definitely fit...

3.) Use of resource credits
The resource credits will easily be enough to create a new steem account each single day. So we will also help to onboard new environmental focused people onto steem to kick start content creation, consumption and curation.
Maybe a little SP delegation for the first months would also make sense --> maybe out of a pool from the curation rewards gained for the voting.

4.) SP votingpower threshold for the start
Should there be a minimum amount of SP to start at all?
I am willing to give it a try already with the 25,000 steem delegation.
25,000 steem would lead to a 100% voting power of around 0.50 USD.
I believe up from 1.00 USD or 2.00 USD it would really make a difference both for minnows and and elite bloggers.
Minnows could already gain 3 to 6 steempower with one single vote, elite bloggers will at least see some appreciation for their hard work.

5.) Your feedback and contribution
Please give me your feedback:
what is your point of view?
would you be happy to contribute time, effort, work or steem delegation?

I want to start this as soon as possible but also want to get your precious feedback before.. so time wise end of May / middle of June would be a good start date...

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Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 18 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 7 SBD worth and should receive 215 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

wow.. I feel deeply honored....
THX a lot!

Great initiative.. we need more people to be concerned about our planet before we totally fuck it up... btw I think @greenbooster is the best name.. I'll close with the picture of the bumper sticker on the back of my bus..


thx a lot.. I like that.. ;-)

Hey, great initiative, man!
I am part of the Clean Planet team and I think it's great to want to create an account to encourage and reward positive actions for our planet.

I have a question please:
How do you select the content that will receive the upvote from your account? (for my part I prefer @greenbooster)

THX for your feedback.
So first of all I wouldn't see it as MY account as such.. hence I am looking for feedback from the community and also for guidelines wich content will be voted for... and I am also happy to share that account... my account will still be @solarwarrior.. the green curation account I see a bit like an escrow.. hence I am delegating the steempower and not simply transferring all of the steem...
ATM my first thoughts in regards to selection are:
The focus of this service shall be purely about news, information, discussions, projects and solutions in the field of fighting global warming and supporting the roll-out of renewable energies.
Adding to that: Quality of the post, relevance of the post, effort made, status of the poster (newbie, minnow, dolphin, etc..), interaction in their own blogs comments section.. and if they have been actively proposed in the comments section of the curation account..
.. what I will definitely want to keep is that we only do full votes...


solarwarrior is back on discord!

if you want to discuss your highly valued participation/involvement for the greencurator project we can also chat on discord