Trabajo Postponed

in nature •  6 years ago  (edited)

Got off the bus this morning and looked up and saw the clouds. Woo-hoo, looks like rain coming.
Checked the radar...
Sure enough, raining out on the island. Now the hard decision has to be made, wait an hour or so or just turn around and go back home to bed. Decisions, decisions. We're going to have to go out there later in the afternoon to get paid so I guess it's going to be a wait and see thing (sigh...) waitress, mas cafe por favor...

Check out the picture heading over the causeway this morning.

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Hoe you're enjoying the rain and your coffee @spozone. Those clouds are pretty spectacular. 😊

Check out the picture heading over the causeway this morning.

So did the storm blow over fast then @spozone?

Yeah by the time we sat around an extra 20 minutes the thing rained itself out and yielded the picture of us crossing. Two hours later though we got drenched and then stayed that way because of the heat and humidity combined. Needless to say it was ugly, but we got all the ceilings in and can start on the roof as soon as the lumber shows up Monday.

Ah well @spozone. At least you're making progress and that weather must make a bit of a change from endless sunshine. 😂

Hah Ha ha, that's funny... Yes it only made it that much more hotter. It washed all the dust out of the air so the sun bakes you more thoroughly and added about 10000% more humidity so it sticks to you even more. Maybe in another month...or two it will finally cool off.

The first shot is wicked cool, but that second snap - beyond awesomesauceness!

There are those days that closing over to the island are magical, today you can see Laguna Madre was near flat as flat can be. Majestic. Did you happen to notice the guy out there on his kayak hardly making a ripple? Lucky bastard, he's fishing and I get to go tug on 200lb beams all day.... Lucky me that I still can tug on beams and tote lumber all day, that poor guy probably has to wear a diaper and take a pill to get a woody. :-)
Thank you.

I didn't notice until you mentioned it, but I found him, and you're right - you never know what some lucky bastard is actually dealing with. And you're very welcome. 😊