A poem on Forest Bathing

in nature •  2 months ago  (edited)


Forest bathing is a Japanese concept called Shinrin Yoku
It can help make one healthy and fit like Goku

Involving minimal effort and spending more time near the tree
Understanding the process of setting the mind and spirit free

Sacred vibrations from the trees make us feel fresh
The forest taking care of the sick like a child in a cresh

Having a healing physical and psychological effect
The process can help rectify many a defect

Forest bathing purifies our body and blood
Enabling health, healing and love for God in us to flood

Reducing stress and giving us an energy boost
From a hectic life one can safely roost

Regular contact with nature improves our well-being and sleep
Good health and happiness we thus get to keep

Taking a walk in natural green spaces clears one’s head
Helping one to study and become well-read

Curing diseases, addictions and depressions it helps us heal
Filling our lives with enthusiasm and zeal

It improves cognitive abilities like remembering, reasoning and thinking
Fresh, pure water and fruit juice one should be drinking

We get to be silent, think less and feel more
Forest bathing forms an essential part of wisdom from ancient lore

Giving the trees a hug
Stopping the need to rely on any drug

A place where peace of mind is the chief aim
Only then good health we can easily claim

The body and mind naturally start calming down
In the freshness, viruses, germs and bad thoughts automatically drown

Gazing at nature and the sky having a free walk
Avoiding all kinds of unnecessary talk

Of nature, savoring the sound, smell and sight
In the darkness of a fast paced life acting as the light

The blessings of Mother Nature we get to savor
By forest bathing we do our minds, bodies and spirits a great favor

Merging with the forest, allowing ourselves to be in a gentle flow
Letting our soul and skin glow

In peace and quiet one can do yoga and meditate
To bathe in the forest we must not hesitate

Listening to the birds chirping and rustling of the breeze
Making the fire of anxiety freeze

Smelling the fragrance of the fresh earth and a flower
Feel and experience fully Mother Nature’s power

Dip the toes and fingers in streams, rivers and a fountain
Getting the freshness of the high altitudes of a mountain

Lie on the soft ground
Appreciate the nature around

Touch and feel the trees, grass, plants, flowers and moss
Let the forest take over as your boss

For nature and the forest if we become a care-taker
For the goodness of mind, body and soul they will be a maker

Nature, God and the forest we must revere
They protect us from diseases and calamities that are severe

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