The History of Hunza

in nature •  7 years ago 

Hunza Valley

Hilly valley arranged toward the north of hunza waterway in gilgit baltistan is known as hunza valley the widely acclaimed hunza valley is a paradise for tourists..the capital of hunza is karimabad ( Baltit ) ,Prince karim agha khan is the profound head of shia ismaili nizari group and karimabad is named after him ,it is encompassed by three excellent pinnacles Rakhaposhi,Diran and Ultar.hunza valley is encompassed by a portion of the high pinnacles in particular Rakhaposhi,hunza peak,Darmyani peak,ghenta sar, ultar sar,Bojahagur Duanasir and woman finger top

Hunza valley is maybe a standout amongst the most wonderful and alluring territories in northern areas.this range brags of the absolute most stupendous landscape in the world.many of the most elevated mountains on the planet are situated in hunza and gilgit.the individuals are fascinating and fluctuated.

Hunza River

The stream slices through the karakoram and streams over the full length along the built in the vicinity of 1971 and 1980 karakoram expressway.

The hunza happens at the conversion of two waterways: the khunjerab, which from the khunjerabpas comes in the upper east, and ghujerab from the southeast. Starting here streams hunza a kilometer long and 90 toward the south by gojal , the most astounding piece of hunza valley plantations and fields encompassed by high mountains including the pinnacles rakaposhi and ultar.

Natural product Orchids

Hunza is a rural city. Miles and miles of natural product plantations can be viewed as the visitor approaches karimabad.

Apricots are the real eating regimen in summers and are put away all through the winters. Some brilliant green fields with trees in them.

Attabad Lake

Attabad lake, gojal, otherwise called gojal lake], is a lake in the gojal valley of northern Pakistan made in January 2010 by a surprising margin dam.

The lake was shaped because of a huge avalanche at attabad town in Gilgit-Baltistan, 9 miles (14 km) upstream (east) of karimabad that happened on January 4, 2010.[

The avalanche killed twenty individuals and obstructed the stream of the Hunza waterway for five months.

The lake achieved 13 miles (21 km) long and more than 100 meters (330 ft.) top to bottom by the main seven day stretch of June 2010

Ruler Victoria Monument, Karimabad, Hunza

The ruler victoria landmark at the highest point of the stone face behind karimabad can be come to in a hour from baltit. Take the channel way over the polo ground.

Thought to be raised by nazim khan, in burushaski, the landmark is called malikamu shikari (mama li-ka-mu shi-ka-ri).

Hopar Glacier

Hopar valley is a bunch of towns around a characteristic bowl at a twist of bualtar ice sheet. Inverse hopar the white bualtar is joined by the barpu ice sheet. This is a base camp for treks into the high, icy mass hung crests called the hispar muztagh. This valley is loaded with common assets and regular magnificence yet because of ingnorance of government and neighborhood lawmakers add to its backwardness. The 12 km length of hopar ice sheet you can really hear it moan while remaining next to its since it is the speediest moving ice sheet in Pakistan.

Altit Fort

In hunza there are two old posts here, Altit and Baltit. In the town of Altit ,there found an Altit fort.and this town is around 3km from karimabad.Altit stronghold is around 800 years of age and it was the principal home of the Mir of hunza's and now this post is under and a half km stroll toward the east takes you to the wonderful town of Altit.

At the section purpose of Altit there is a delightful garden of white apricots which is likewise known for its taste.

Baltit fortress

Situated at the highest point of extensive rough amphitheater Baltit fortress is around 3km jeep drive from is worked at the highest point of karimabad The fortification was fabricated somewhere in the range of seven hundred years ago.doors inside were very short and the visit manage clarified that it was for protective 1997 it was revamped by utilizing mudbricks and timber keeping in mind the end goal to withstand the quakes here The Fort is presently a gallery and social focus. Depends on three story building and it has an aggregate of 53 ground floor there are visitor rooms, kitchens, storerooms, prisonsetc.if you visit second floor there are family condos, banquet halls, illustrious court, arms station and guards` chambers,and after second floor there is a rooftop ,from here you can see the beautufil pinnacle of need to purchase a tickets in the event that you need to visit a fortress and notwithstanding the tickets you will likewise be charged additional in the event that you need to take photograps or make recordings inside the fortification. Opening time of stronghold: 9 to 1 and 2 to 530 Entry Fee : 200rs Ticket office is on the left half of fortress only 30 meters before achieving the fortification


It is a mountain in a karakoram mountain go arranged in a nagar valley and is effortlessly obvious from karimabad and encompassing regions of karimabad .it is 27th most astounding top in the world.rakhaposhi signifies "sparkling divider" or " snow secured" its precarious ice-shrouded crest towering above infertile precipices and terraces..Domani is another name of rakhaposhi which implies " mother of mist"..the first fast look that you can appreciate is from a territory called zero point which is on ideal on karakoram parkway where you get an eminent perspective of the crest, with ice sheet encouraged streams running is rankes as twelfth most elevated in Pakistan yet it is more prevalent for its magnificence when contrasted with its rank .

Khunjerab pass,

In the Karakorum interstates, there is high mountain pass which is known as khunjerab pass, which is the most noteworthy point at karakoram with 4730 meters top.

It is fascinated to the point that the main look at it excites fascination

The consummation of the area of this street was done in 1982

It is believed to be most astounding metaled fringe crossing.

Amid December to April the pass is regularly secured by snow because of stormy season, in this season mud sliding is normal so the pass stayed close for all vehicles other than trucks.

Specialists were keen on the development of railroad through this go in 2007.

Lodgings in hunza

Darbaar lodging

Hunza baltit motel

Hawk's Nest


In the event that you needed to visit hunza ,you would g be able to via air and also by road.if you pass via air then closest airplane terminal is gilgit,you can hold your ticket from PIA on the grounds that lone PIA works every day 2 flights to gilgit,one at 6:45am and another at 9:45am.

On the off chance that you needed to go by street then you can pass by bisham street which is 12-14 hours drive from Islamabad,then from chilaas to gilgit it is 8-9 hours drive .from here it takes 3 hours to reach hunza

In the event that you pass via air don't go in storm season on the grounds that there is a less possibility of getting flight because of awful weather.monsoon season is from july to September.

Sost-Hunza valley

Sost is a town show in gojal valley of Hunza locale, Gilgit-baltistan, Pakistan. It is the keep going town inside Pakistan on the karakoram roadway. It is an imperative town in which traditions and migration division is available. It is likewise essential for all payload and traveler transport since activity crossing the Pakistan-china outskirt goes through this town. Fringe amongst Pakistan and china is available at khunjerab, the most noteworthy verge on Earth. In Sost , dry port is available and merchandise which originate from Chinese locales of kashgar and sinkiyang get custom freedom here and transported to the business markets of Pakistan. This town is associated with towns like karimabad,gilgit and chilas on the south in Pakistani area and is associated with towns like tashkurgan, upal and kashgar on the north in Chinese locale.

For convenience purposes, PTDC motel is set here and a few other little lodgings are additionally accessible.

For transport, Northern zones transport enterprise (NATCO) is available which associates Islamabad to Sost. Transport office is additionally present amongst Sost and Chinese city Taskurgan, transport benefit likewise began amongst Kashgar and Sost in 2006. The most elevated verge on earth amongst Pakistan and china open just amongst May and October. Amid winter, streets get hindered by snow


Shimshal is a town exhibit in the Hunza-nagar area of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It lies at a tallness of 3100m above ocean level and is the most elevated settlement in the hunza valley. It is a flanking town that interfaces china with Pakistan. Shimshal is involved on 3800 square kilometer, there are right around 2000 occupants with aggregate of 240 families.

Shimshal has a hydro power base known as odver stream, which give power for five months when water isn't solidified from june to October. Non-accessibility of power is a major issue for the inhabitants of shimshal for the other seven months. They utilize diverse assets like lamp oil, kindling and gas chambers as an option.

The town was out of reach since 2003 when another street is developed from karakoram roadway at passu. This non-metallic street was begun in 1985 and finished in 2003 and now it takes most extreme 3 hours to shimshal from passu.

Tourism in Shimshal

Shimshal has its biggest experience range in the hunza valley. Numerous visitor focuses are available in this town.

Mountains like Destaghil Sar(7,885m), Shimshal White Horn( 6,303m) Minglik Sar(6,150m) and Yazghail Sar(6000m) are getting the eyeballs of visitors for such a variety of long time. This town is known as "Town of mountain climbers" since more than twenty mountain dwellers from this town have made Pakistan pleased in the field of tourism.

Shimshalis utilize different fields arranged at a few days stroll for their cattles, sheeps and goats. The general population of shimshal talk wakhi dialect and they are otherwise called Wakhis. Shimshalis have a place with the Ismaili shia organization and they take after Agha khan as their 49th profound pioneer.

Nagar Valley

Nagar valley is arranged in the northern most piece of gilgit-Baltistan. It was a regal state till 1974 when it was converged with Pakistan. Until 1947, it was in backup organization together with British india and flanked the Gilgit office toward the south and Hunza valley toward the north and east. Until 1974, thehunza.jpg

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Amazing post @talalbaig have a happy journey here
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