Surrounding by nice nature is always my pleasure

in nature •  4 years ago 

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It’s always my pleasure surrounding by nice nature. I feel happier when going outside than staying inside the house. I think nature can make us feel good and can heal our minds and our bodies as well.

It’s unfortunate that due to the spreader of COVID-19, we have to stay at home more than go outside...

Whenever I go out for buying some necessities, I usually look high into the beautiful blue sky and admire the wonderful white clouds. I especially love the cloud's formations that change every second. They always astonish me.

I think plenty of trees make the area look more relaxing and refreshing and a lot of clouds make the sky look more wonderful.

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And every time I see the jet trail, I usually imagine myself sitting in the jet and fly high to anywhere that I want.



It’s the same feeling whenever I see the birds. I always envy them that they have wings so that they have the freedom to fly anywhere…



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Ah! Surrounding by nice nature is always my pleasure indeed.

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Whenever you are I enjoy your perspective!

I'm happy to know that.... Many thanks for stopping by. Hope you will start posting again soon. ;)

Yes friend, it is a pleasure to delight in nature and meditate on it. Greetings.

Thanks a lot! ;)